I used to hate my messiness, my humanness.
I wanted to be this perfectly organised, always kind, but firm if necessary human being.
A soft and feminine woman, but still feminist enough.
The person always doing the right thing. Actually doing it. Speaking up, when it is necessary, standing up for less privileged, but staying quiet when it is their turn to speak.
The person who follows their vision and backs it up with action. Tangible action.
Someone confident enough to put herself out there, but not arrogant. Must stay approachable.
Someone who is healthy. Who does the right thing for their body. Who can stay away from sugar and gluten. Who exercises.
And sometimes I am those things. And I feel good, on top of the things.
And then comes moments, when I am messy. And sometimes I have messy days, messy weeks, messy years.
When I open my closet and I am eye rolling at the mess, but say “Ergh, not today.”
The days when I am passive-aggressive.
Days when I feel ugly, unattractive.
Days when I hate feminism, wokeness and all those things that sometimes makes me feel like me trying my best is not enough to earn a little piece of a peace of mind.
Sometimes I have days, when I scream FUCK YOU to the world. When I want to tell everyone there is no justice, things are not fair, MOVE ON ALREADY. When I try to be okay with it and move on.
I have days when I plan to work on my business, write articles that will benefit people, people like me, people like I was, that will make my inner child feel good and that my inner businesswoman will approve. But instead, I binge-watch some series.
Sometimes I feel like I a mess, but still feel snobbishly better than some people. At least I am not like ______ .
And after two days of restraining myself from sugar and gluten, I give in and eat damn cookies.
And when it comes to my business, I write descriptions of what I do, what I can help you with, where is my expertise.
And all the results, I promise, are still the things I am working on. And for so long I felt like I shouldn’t say I can help you with these things, because I am not perfect at them yet.
But now I feel like you will feel safer to open yourself to me, feel a little less judged, if you aware, that I am a human too. And I am messy. But absolutely lovable.
And so are you.
Check my coaching packages, I updated them last week, wrote new descriptions and decided that my soulmate clients will get what I am talking about and feel epic, transformative, loving and fun energy of my coaching containers.
Apply for coaching with me (link to a questionary) and come as a gorgeous, smart, loving but also messy human, and I am going to witness and love you in your humanness. And support you in reaching your goals, of course 😉
Loses the vibe that separates
It’s good to let you in again
You’re not alone in how you’ve been
Everybody loses, we all got bruises
P.S.: There are days when I love my mess, my humanness, and days when I just want it gone. Today, I 60% love it and 40% want to eliminate it.