How to establish a routine that works for you?

Published Categorised as 3 Ptice Eco Friendly Accessories, Outfits, Personal

I’m wearing: Secondhand jumper, scarf, shirt and coat; New Yorker leggings (about 5 years old I think); Deichmann shoes (more about them and conscious buying here)


I woke up early today. 5:30. I want to become a morning person. I wanted this for so freaking long. I always felt like “If I could just get up in the morning a few hours earlier, I could be way more successful.” I could meditate, journal, write blog, schedule social media updates… By the noon or even earlier I could be done with most of the things that are crucial for running the business, but just don’t get done, if I sleep too long.

Because if I get up at between 9 and 10, I have to eat first, I don’t feel like meditating anymore, because I feel already behind with my work… and then I go check out if grandma and grandpa are okay… and then I just start working on something that feels the most important in the moment. And half of a day is almost over.

I’ve been thinking about a routine I need to establish to get shit done while still enjoying the work and feeling like myself.

How to fit everything in a day? I mean, it has only 24 hours and you sleep 8 of them.

Work, time for myself, time for others, housework, time to learn new things, time to enjoy the book or watch a movie…

Getting up earlier seems like the best way.

I figured out that is best, if I write in the morning. If I say that I’m gonna write in the evening, I usually don’t. I feel like, “Oh, I’ve done enough today, I deserve to relax.” Yet I don’t feel really relaxed, because another part of me is saying “But you haven’t wrote a post for too long and you know how important is that you write”.

(Important for me as a person, because I feel way more clear and calm about life, if I write, and also important for biz and making connections with people.)

Yeah, I think I’m kinda getting there, to my perfect routine.

Getting up early, meditation, writing in my diary, checking the analytics, getting stuff done on the computer (writing, social media, SEO, editing posts, uploading new stuff to my shop), breakfast, visit to grandma and grandpa, some time for myself (maybe also going through Italian lessons) or doing something in the house, lunch, heading to my studio where I do actual stuff, sewing, painting on bags, ironing them, posting on instagram my work progress, preparing packages, maybe a coffee with a friend or just myself, meeting boyfriend, a walk with my dog and a book or movie or learning something in the evening. And bed time before 10 p.m.

Okay, that sounds great. Now if I only could stick to this. Well, I’m gonna give it a try. I know not everyday can be like this, because sometimes I just need more time for myself or sometimes there are days when I really enjoy hanging with people. Or when I get obsessed with something and gotta figure it out.

But I really want a routine that would work for me, so that when I’m spontaneous, I would feel spontaneous, and not like a mess who cannot stick to her plans.

Okay, hope you get me. I planned to journal in my personal diary about this for a few weeks now, but I just didn’t make it my priority. And I did not plan to share this publicly (I don’t know why it feels so personal to me), I had no idea what I will write about when I started, but now that is written, I’m gonna publish it.

Your turn. What’s your routine if you have it? Are you happy with it? Do you want to establish some kind of routine? Please share in the comments (unless it feels too personal 😉

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.

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