How succesful am I, how I met my role model and how Freedom bike looks like

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Hello hello, my dear people and all the animals who likes to read 😉

001. I know you are eagerly waiting the update on my life and work! 😉

You know, my life is everything but boring lately! I somehow fly very high and walk on the really solid ground. And I feel deeply grateful for both! I enjoy flying and I am grateful for all the lessons I learn when on the bottom.

I have the most busiest month so far in my life behind me. Lots of work, lots of meetings, lots of stress, lots of love, lots of insights and a lot of joy.

I currently work in a book store and of course still run my eco friendly accessories business. I have never before had so much work and being so broke at the same time. I came to that point, when people who watch my thing from the outside see me as successful… and by some definitions I see myself as successful too, but if I look at my finances, I have never been so low before. I try to come out of debt and to be honest here, my sales are actually improving, but expenses and dues are killing me. I have to pay my dues for few months, I have blocked bank accounts, I lost my health insurrance, I have few months of unpaid bills, I had to pay registration and inssurance and that stuff for my car and I still have to make small car service for my car or it can happen that I will stay on the road. + bunch of unexpected and big expenses in our household.

But as shitty all that sounds and as much I was always afraid of coming into that situation, you know what, it isn’t as hard as I always thougt it would be. I am poor and I live in poor family by the western income standards, but I still have my eyes and other senses open for the beauty and still can give a freaking lot to the world. What do I give? Love, compassion and creativity. I have these in abundance. And I receive abundance of oxygen, blue skies and gorgeous smells from the nature (my nose loves that time of the year). And I have abundance of people who loves me and are happy that we share the planet at this time in the eternity. And that’s why I am deeply and profoundly rich. And that’s why I don’t want to change my role with anyone else (except my dog or some cat for a day), because I feel joy of life and I like being me. And I am awesome at it!

Pozdravljeni, dragi moji ljudje in vse živali, ki rade berete 😉 

001. Vem, da ste že vznemirjeno čakali na novice o mojem življenju in delu! 😉 

Moje življenje je res vse kaj drugo kot dolgočasno zadnje čase. Nekako zelo visoko letam in hodim po res trdih letih. In globoko sem hvaležna za oboje! Uživam v letenju in sem hvaležna za lekcije, ki jih predelujem na dnu.
Za sabo imam najbolj zaposlen mesec v svojem dosedanjem življenju. Veliko dela, veliko srečanj, veliko stresa, veliko spoznanj in veliko radosti. 

Trenutno še zraven vsega dela za moje 3 Ptice prodajam knjige v Mariboru. Še nikoli nisem imela toliko dela in obenem bila tako brez denarja. Prišla sem do točke, ko ljudem od zunaj izgleda, kot da mi res uspešno gre… In po nekaterih definicijah uspeha, se tudi jaz vidim kot uspešno, ampak če pogledam na finance, še nisem bila na nižji točki. Skušam priti iz dolga, in po resnici povedano, se mi prodaja končno dejansko izboljšuje, ampak me izdatki in prispevki ubijajo. Plačati moram prispevke za nekaj mesecev nazaj, bančne račune imam blokirane, imam za nekaj mesecev neplačanih položnic, registrirati sem morala avto in vse kar spada zraven, pa še mali servis moram naredit, ali pa lahko ostanem kje na cesti. + nepredvideni večji stroški v gospodinjstvu. 

Ampak, kolikor koli gnilo se to vse sliši in kako me je skozi bilo strah priti v takšno situacijo, veste kaj, sploh ni tako grozno, kot sem si vedno mislila. Sem revna in živim v revni družini po naših dohodkovnih standardih, ampak še vedno imam oči in druge čute odprte za lepote in še vedno lahko veliko dajem svetu! Kaj dajem? Ljubezen, sočutje in ustvarjalnost. Tega imam v izobilju. In v izobilju prejemam kisik, modro nebo in čudovite vonjave narave (moj nos obožuje ta čas v letu). In imam obilo ljudi, ki me imajo radi in so srečni, da si delimo planet v tem času v večnosti. In zato sem globoko in resnično bogata. In zato si ne želim zamenjati moje vloge z drugimi (razen z mojim psom ali kakšno mačko za kak dan), ker čutim življenjsko radost in ker sem rada jaz. In res sem dobra v tem!  

dsc003732-7151544(vintage shorts, H&M tee, Zulu Zion socks, unknown) (vintage kratke hlače, H&M majica, Zulu Zion nogavice, neznano) 

Also, if I define my success as doing what I love, learning, growing and helping others see their own beauty and the beauty of the world we live in, then I am successful! And if inspire people to start making new choices, damn, I rock!

And if I define successful person as someone who is daring greatly, then I am success!

And writing honestly about this is daring greatly! You know why? Because poor people usualy don’t talk about it. And I think (that’s my opinion), that poor people stay poor because they are so ashamed of being poor, they don’t wanna talk about it, because it hurts and so they are closing themselves off from the world, which is the best recipe for staying poor.

And you know what? I felt lots of shame about my situation, I felt inadequate, I felt like a loser, I felt like a total dissapointment about myself. I even felt really stupid, even though I always defined myself as intelligent. I still might feel some of it (in this moment I don’t, I just feel this momentum energy), but I know, that I don’t have to.

Why I don’t have to feel ashamed of my debt? Well, first things first, it doesn’t help, I can’t shame myself to wealth. Second, I was doing the best that I could, I’m still doing the best that I can. When I look back, I sometimes think I could do so much more or I should do this instead of this, but given the things I knew and felt in those moments, I was doing my best.

Tudi, če definiram uspeh kot to, da delam to kar ljubim, se učim, rastem in pomagam drugim videt njihovo lastno lepoto in lepoto sveta v katerem živimo, sem uspešna! In če še mimogrede navdihnem koga, da začne izbirat drugačne izkušnje, vraga, jaz res obvladam! 

In če definiram uspešno osebo kot nekoga, ki si veliko drzne, potem sem uspeh!

In veliko si drznem, ko iskreno pišem o tem! Veste zakaj? Zato ker revni ljudje ponavadi ne govorijo o tem. In mislim (moje osebno mnenje), da revni ljudje ostanejo revni zato, ker jih je tako sram, da so revni. Ne želijo govoriti o tem, ker boli in se tako raje zaprejo pred svetom, kar je pa najboljši recept, da ostanejo revni. 

In veste kaj? Tudi sama sem čutila ogromno sramu okrog svoje situacije, počutila sem se premalo dobro, kot čista zguba, kot poosebljeno razočaranje. Počutila sem se celo zelo neumno, čeprav sem sama sebe vedno definirala kot inteligentno. Priznam, da še se vedno včasih tako počutim (v tem trenutku sicer ne, ker sem zdaj v tem ‘momentum’ energiji), ampak vem, da se ne rabim,

Zakaj se ne rabim sramovati svojih dolgov? Prvo kot prvo, ne more me biti tako sram, da bi lahko s tem obogatela. Drugo, delal sem najboljše kar sem lahko in tak še vedno delam. Ko gledam nazaj, se mi včasih zdi, da bi lahko toliko več naredila oz. da bi lahko naredila ‘to’ namesto ‘tega’, ampak z ozirom na stvari, ki sem jih vedela in čutila v tistih trenutkih, sem naredila najboljše, kar sem lahko. 

I live my whole life with people, who see money as a problem and as cause of all bad. And we all know that we learn by examples we see around. And I just didn’t have any grown up person with real knowledge and clear feelings around money around me that could taught me managing, saving and investing money and feeling good about it.

But even though it’s not my fault, I know it’s my responsibility. So I learn and I am trying to find people who can teach me how to manage money and what attitude to tune in.

Celo življenje že živim z ljudmi, ki vidijo denar kot problem in kot vir vsega slabega. In vsi vemo, da se učimo po zgledih, ki jih imamo okrog. In preprosto ob sebi nisem imela nobene odrasle osebe s pravim znanjem in razčiščenimi občutki okrog denarja, ki bi me lahko naučila upravljanja, varčevanja in investiranja z njim ter dobrih občutkov ob tem. 

Čeprav krivda ni moja pa vem, da je moja odgovornost. Zato se učim in skušam najti ljudi, ki me lahko naučijo upravljanja in naravnanosti okrog denarja.


002. Ooh, here I have to tell you I shook hands with my business role model two days ago, Ivo Boscarol himself, the founder of Pipistrel (they make light aircraft). He is such an inspiration to me! I listened to his speech three months ago and it filled me with so much energy and power I almost cried there. It was first speech in that day and I felt like running home and throwing myself into work. And since then I believe in myself and my vision more. The things he spoke were so in tune with me, I was like Yes, Yes, Yes! Eco-friendly phylosophy, long term vision, focus on people and high goals! Yes!

There was an airshow this Sunday in village called Moškanjci, near by place where my boyfriend lives and I convinced him to go there. I hoped Mr. Boscarol would be there and that I could meet him, but I kept that to myself. Last week I read all the interviews I could find with him and was collecting my courage to write him. And then we come there and meet some friends and they told me Ivo is there. And so I went to him and shook his hand and told him who am I and that I am very happy to hold his hand, because he is my role model. I had tears in my eyes, literally. He was very kind and he asked what do I do, said its good I do something different and gave me encouragement about it. Wow wow wow!  “The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good” (quote by Samuel Johnson). I can say from my own experience that Ivo Boscarol is a really great human being!

002. Opa, tukaj vam moram povedati, da sem se pred dvema dnevoma rokovala z mojim poslovnim vzornikom, Ivom Boscarolom osebno, ustanoviteljem Pipistrela (proizvodnja super lahkih osebnih letal). On mi je res takšna inspiracija! Pred tremi meseci sem na 500 podjetnic poslušala njegov govor, ki me je tako napolnil z energijo in močjo, da sem se skoraj začela jokat tam od sile. To je bilo prvo predavanje v tistem dnevu, jaz pa sem si želela kar laufat domov in se vreči v delo! Od takrat dalje bolj verjame v sebe in v svojo vizijo. Njegove besede so bile v takem sozvočju z mano, da mi je skozi celo bitje šlo ‘Ja, Ja, Ja! Okolju prijazna filozofija, dolgoročno gledanje, osredotočenost na ljudi in visoki cilji! Ja! 

V nedeljo je bil v vasici imenovani Moškanjci letalski miting. Moj fant živi tam blizu in sem ga prepričala, da greva na letališče. Upala sem, da bo g. Boscarol tam in da ga bom imela možnost spoznati, ampak sem to svojo željo hranila samo pri sebi. Kakšen teden prej sem prebrala vse intervjuje z njim, kar sem jih našla in zbirala pogum, da mu pišem. In potem prideva z Juretom tja, naključno srečava prijatelje in en pokaže, kje stoji Boscarol. In tako sem šla do njega in mu segla v roko, se mu predstavila in mu povedala, da sem zelo srečna, da ga lahko držim za roko, ker je moj vzornik. Solzne oči sem imela, dobesedno. Bil je zelo prijazen, povprašal me je kaj počnem, mi rekel, da je dobro, da delam nekaj drugačnega in mi vlil poguma! Vau, vau, vau! Če se veličina človeka vidi po tem, kako se obnaša do tistih, ki ne morejo nič naredit zanj, lahko iz lastne izkušnje povem, da je ta Ivo Boscarol res velik človek!


003. I was in Ljubljana (our capital) this Saturday. I was at the really special little festival, where I had stall with my ecofriendly accessories and I was also painting an old bike. I was doing this for the first time in my life, so I was a bit nervous and didn’t exactly know how to tackle that, but it came out pretty well. I sprayed it with blue and white and I painted birds on it by hand. Two gals said it should be named Freedom and I really like the name. I unfourtunatelly didn’t hear nothing from the owner yet (the bike was brought there by her superkind and understanding parents), so I don’t know what she thinks about it. I am kinda satiesfied with it. Of course a picture in my mind was a bit more perfect, but I can understand I just can’t make things perfectly perfect the first time I’m doing them. What you think about it?

003. To soboto sem bila v Ljubljani na Župfeštici, kjer sem imela stojnico s svojimi izdelki, polepšala pa sem tudi eno staro kolo. Prvič v življenju sem delala kaj takega, tako da sem bila malo nervozna in nisem čisto vedela, kako se naj lotim, a je na koncu kar dobro izpadel. Pošprejala sem ga z modrim in belim šprejem in nanj s čopičem naslikala ptice. Dve dekleti sta ga kar poimenovali Svoboda, kar mi je bilo zelo všeč. Žal še nisem slišala mnenja lastnice – kolo sta namreč tja pripeljala njena super prijazna in razumevajoča starša – tako da ne vem, kako ji je všeč. Jaz sem zadovoljna. Seveda je bila slika v moji glavi boljša, ampak lahko razumem, da ne morem naredit vseh stvari popolno popolnih, ko jih delam prvič. Kakšno se pa zdi vam?

004. Also, Špela from The Fashion Junkie came to meet me! Besides being a fashion addict and student, she also works as a web designer and loves it. Her blog design is her work, btw. I so much love about her how she shines when she talks about her work! I so much enjoy when people radiates such energy!
She is so kind and supportive! She bought a pouch from me and told me how much she loves 3 Ptice Navdihovalnica (my own little crowdfunding project, where people can support my bussines and they get every month in return digital goods created by me – quote they can print and hang on their wall, mandala they can paint and creative challenge, where we make something from things we can find at home – so far only in slovenian language).

Of course, clumsy as I am, I forgot to say to someone to take picture of us together…

004. No, v soboto me je prišla obiskat Špela, ki piše blog The Fashion Junkie! Zraven tega, da je zasvojenka z modo in študentka, je tudi oblikovalka spletnih strani, kar obožuje. Dizajn njenega bloga je njeno delo, mimogrede. Tako mi je všeč, kako sije, ko govori o svojem delu! Res uživam, ko ljudje sevajo takšno energijo!

Od mene je kupila toaletko in mi povedala, kako zelo všeč ji je 3 Ptice Navdihovalnica (moj mali osebni ‘crowdfunding’ projekt, preko katerega lahko ljudje podprejo moje delo in v zameno vsak mesec dobijo digitalne dobrote izpod mojih rok – citat, ki si ga lahko natisnejo in obesijo na steno, mandalo, ki jo lahko pobarvajo in kreativni izziv, pri katerem izdelam nekaj iz stvari, ki jih lahko najdemo doma).
Žal sem pozabila komu reči, da naj naju fotografira skupaj… 

005. So, I guess that’s more than enough for one post 😉 Thanks so much for reading! And if you got something valuable from this post, you can hit the donate button on the sidebar or get yourself a good looking and ecofriendly accessories that I made – 3 Ptice at Etsy. And btw, I love your comments, so don’t be shy! Or be shy if you wanna be and write it anyway!
Be awesomely you, folks!

005. Mislim, da je to več kot dovolj informacij v eni objavi 😉 Res vam hvala za branje! Če ste dobili iz te objave kaj vrednega, lahko stisnete na ‘Donate’ gumb ob strani, si privoščite kakšno 3 Ptice totico ali kaj drugega, ali pa se naročite na 3 Ptice Navdihovalnico. In mimogrede, rada preberem vaše komentarje, tako da ne bit sramežljivi! Ali pa bodite sramežljivi, če že želite in vseeno kakšnega napišite!
Bodite čudoviti kot ste!

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Kako lepo ti je uspelo kolo! Upam da je novi lastnici všeč, meni je ful :))
    Sicer pa mi je bilo ful v veselje prit te pozdravit in objet v soboto, toaletka pa je že pridno pospravljena v torbi 😉

  2. Anita, sigurno dobiš nagrado za najbolj pogumno in iskreno blogerko. Marsikdo si ne bi upal s svetom deliti svoje strahove in trenutne težke situacije. Ti si to upaš in zaradi tvojih zapisov se lahko tudi drugi malo zamislimo nad življenjem, naučimo česa novega in se počutimo malo lažje, ker vidimo, da nismo sami v s***. … da se na nek način vsak od nas bori z nečem. Rada te spremljam, tudi na TVju sem te gledala, wuu-huu, bravo za to mimogrede=). Tvoja glava naj kar ostane, tam kjer je, bodi pozitivna, ne pusti, da bi te kaj zlomilo in nadaljuj s svojimi željami & cilji.

  3. Moja mami je bla na enem koncertu z Boscarolom in je bla tut čisto navdušena kako ''navaden'' je, da je šel tako kot vsi z neko agencijo z avtobusom do Minhna in lovil vlake tam in vse, ko bi se vrjetno lahko kar z avionom pripeljal (:
    Drugače imaš pa čisto prav, nima te česa biti sram in tudi ta občutek, da si neumna je brezvezen, točno vem kakšen je, sva bila dolgo skupaj po tem, ko mi fax ni uspel, ampak danes vem zakaj mi ni in sem tudi vesela da sem, kjer sem.

    In ojoj, ravnokar sem se spomnila, da ti moram poslat mere! 😀

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