How I survived walking in the heels..

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dsc03956-_thumb-7660202 Tele fotke so bile narejene v petek, ko sva z Juretom šla na Bazene energije, ki sem jih po par urah zapustila zaradi obletnice valete, no, nato pa sem se okoli desete ure vrnila nazaj na pool party. Pete sem imela obute prvič po tem, ko sem posvetila tale moj blog pretežno svojemu stilu, nekje dve leti nazaj. Okay, morda kdo poreče, da teh 9cm sploh niso pete, ampak za mene zagotovo so. Ko sem jih imela obute sem razmišljala ‘Kako hodim? Ali je očitno, da sem redko v petah?’ itd. Po nekaj urah pa sem se nehala obremenjevat. Počutila sem se že bolj sigurno v svojo hojo. V teh čevljih sem celo plesala kot nora (kot vedno, no skoraj vedno, saj se mi ne strga na vsako zvrst glasbe). In nisem plesala samo na komad ali dva, ampak par ur skupaj, ja bejbi! Jure je bil zdolgočasen. Ni ravno plesalec, on pleše z glavo, gor in dol, haha, ampak jebeš, ni moj problem, če se ni zmožen prepustit glasbi. Jap, naslednji dan so me bolele noge. Ampak sem ziher, da ne bosta minili naslednji dve leti, preden bom spet obula pete. Aja, maxi krilo, broška in obroč v laseh oz. mašna na obroču so moje delo, opa! 😀 Lepo se imejte ta teden, folksi! 😀 * * * These pictures were taken on Friday. I and Jure went to a pool party, which I left after few hours because of the meeting with clasmates from primary school, and then I went back to the party, again, at about ten o’clock. So, I wore heels first time after changing this blog in style diary two years ago… Okay, you may say that those 9cm aren’t even heels, but they surely are for me. I was thinking while wearing them ‘How do I walk? Does it look obvious that I’m not a heel person?’ etc. After few hours I did not care anymore. I felt more sure about my walk. I even danced like crazy (as usual, okay, almost usual, as I don’t let my freak out on every type of music) in those shoes. And not only for a song or two, but for few hours, yeah baby! Jure was really bored, he’s not a dancer, he dance only with his head, up and down, haha, but fuck it, it’s not my problem if he cannot fall into music. Oh yeah, my feet hurt next day. But I’m sure it won’t take me another two years to wear heals again. Oh, gotta tell, the maxi skirt, brooch and the headband are my work, oh yeah! 😀 Have a nice week, folks! dsc03961-25255b425255d-9230380dsc03955-_thumb-9314172dsc03963_thumb-6745506dsc03954-_thumb-8607596(DIY maxi krilo, broška in obroč; H&M torbica in čevlji; Pull&Bear pas; majica iz druge roke) (DIY maxi skirt, brooch and headband; H&M bag and shoes; Pull&Bear belt; secondhand top)

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. hahahahaaha tale komentar "Ni ravno plesalec, on pleše z glavo, gor in dol, haha, ampak jebeš, ni moj problem, če se ni zmožen prepustit glasbi." me je pa tak nasmejal, da adijo !! HAHAHAHA..spominja me na mene, moj način komentiranja včasih LOL. hvala kr si mi popestrila dan s tem ;)))) krilo mi je zelo všeč, sandalčki tudiii, ta zelena majčka pa d best z rožco, edino tista pentlja pa mi ni preveč všeč, ampak ko se tisti, ki jo nosi dobro počuti, pa več ni debate hihi… 🙂

  2. aaah čist sm se zagledala v tole krilo. TOK ti paše da gotovo! <3
    drugač pa poznam te gibe z glavo, saz mam srečo ker moj rad pleše, pa še super ga je gledat =)

  3. Haha, res dobro napisano 🙂
    Čevlji so mi res všeč, upam da jih boš izkoristila 😉 aaaa krilo je res lepo narejeno, thumbs up!!

  4. moderna različica fride kahlo v najboljšem pomenu besede 😀

    ej…pa hvala za komentar 🙂 sej te nagrade pa to…so bolj za tako…ampak vi ste pa neprecenljivi 🙂
    P.S. sem že večkrat pomislla, da škoda, da pa ti nisi s kje bliže 😀

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