Happy 101 award

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Par tednov nazaj sem bila taggana od super punce Helene od XOXO Parisky. Če še ne poznate njenega bloga, ga poglejte, ker je vreden branja in gledanja (zaradi čudovitih fotk). Few weeks ago I was tagged by great girl Helena from XOXO Parisky. Please check out her blog because is really worth reading and watching (because of beautiful pictures). Pravila: 1. Objavi, kdo ti je dal nagrado 2. Napiši 10 stvari, ki jih imaš rad The rules: 1. Post who gave you the award 2. State 10 things you like   1. Recikliranje – rada recikliram stvari kot so papir, plastika in steklo, da ni takšne potrebe po izkoriščanju planeta in rada recikliram stara oblačila tako, da iz njih naredim nekaj novega. 2. Rada berem knjige za samopomoč. Vem, da obstaja veliko ljudi, ki se jim to zdi neumno, ampak meni je branje takšnih knjig všeč, saj mi pomaga misliti bolj pozitivno in odpira um. 3. Rada imam youtube. Čeprav me včasih razjezi, da ne morem gledati vsakega videa, ker ni na voljo pri nas. Ampak mi je zares všeč, ker je gor ogromno navodil kako narediti skoraj vse, EFT videov in tudi ogromno dobre glasbe. 4. Rada imam vsak letni čas. Vsi so čudoviti. 5. Rada imam štručko s česnovim maslom. 6. Rada gledam Gossip Girl. Čeprav so vse težave tam narejene, ker se folk ne zna pogovarjat in bit iskren, rada gledam to serijo zaradi čudovitih oblačil in scen ter kot opomnik, kako srečna sem, ker imam tako dobre odnose z Juretom in prijatelji. In med gledanjem se počutim bogato 😀 7. Rada imam soja-riž napitek. Popolno gre skupaj z zelenim čajem, z bananami, kosmiči itd. Odličen je tudi brez vsega. 8. Rada hodim. Tako sem hvaležna za noge. 9. Rada se nasmehnem neznancem. 10. Rada imam risanje in slikanje. Nagrado pa poklanjam vsem, ki boste komentirali ta post 😀 dsc09765_thumb-8935825 1. Recyclation – I like to recycle stuff as paper, plastic and glass so there’s no need to utilize our planet so much and I love to recycle old clothes and make something new of them. 2. I like reading self-help books. I know that lots of people finds this stupid, but I like them because these books help me think more positively and be more open minded. 3. I like youtube. Even though it sometimes makes me angry because I cannot always watch every video because is not available in our county. But I really like it because is there so many tutorials about everything, EFT videos and lots of good music too. 4. I like every season of a year. Each one is wonderful. 5. I like roll with garlic butter. 6. I like watching Gossip Girl. Even though is every problem there made because those people don’t know how to talk and be honest, I like to watch it because of beautiful clothes and scenery and as reminder how lucky am I because of good relations with Jure and my friends. And I feel rich while I watch it 😀 7. I like soya-rice drink. It’s perfect with green tea, with bananas, with flakes etc. And is perfect without everything. 8. I like walking. I’m so grateful for my legs. 9. I like smiling at strangers. 10. I like drawing and painting. I’m giving this award to everyone who will comment on this post 😀 dsc09764_thumb5b15d-6070500dsc09761_thumb5b15d-8620187

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


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