Ne boste verjeli, kaj sem si jaz danes kupila! Ne, ni kača 😀 … Ne, ne povem 😀 Boste jutri vidli! (To je en tak majhen trik, zaradi katerega boste jutri odprli moj blog ;D) * * * You won’t believe what I bought today! No, it’s not a snake 😀 .. No, I won’t tell ya! You’ll see tomorrow! (This is a little catch, so you will open my blog page tomorrow ;D) (Vintage obleka; Sewa torba; Pull&Bear čevlji) (Vintage dress; Sewa bag: Pull&Bear shoes)
noro ti pašejo tile čopki! lajkam in čakam jutrišnji post =)
love that quote!
Iii kolk si lušna na teh fotkah 🙂
A dej, zdej nas bo pa sam firbec 🙂
pretty dress! love the pattern <3
Damn! I ♥ My Simple Life
that dress is super cute!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons