DIY: shirt

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Odločila sem se, da bom preuredila tole srajco. Imela je ovratnik, ampak sem pozabila  fotografirati, preden sem ga odstranila. I decided to edit this shirt. It had had a collar but I forgot to take a picture before I’ve remove it. Prej | | Before: dsc08571_thumb-1480677 Sedaj | | Now:dsc08589_thumb-6928364 dsc08578_thumb-1336222 dsc08581_thumb-3400468 dsc08584_thumb-6010878 dsc08586_thumb5b15d-7189642dsc08588_thumb5b15d-5426081  (Zara pulover; DIY srajca; Oviesse jeans; Graceland čevlji; za torbico ne vem) (Zara sweater; DIY shirt; Oviesse jeans; Graceland shoes; don’t know about the bag) Torej, kaj menite o srajci? Moram vam povedati nekaj, kar me precej moti. Komentarji. Ne, ne bom jih izklopila, hah. Namreč, veliko komentarjev, ki jih dobim je kopiraj/prilepi. Ja, nekako vsi promoviramo svoje bloge s tem, da komentiramo na blogih drugih ljudi, a me moti, ko folk pusti komentar na mojem blogu samo in samo za samo-promocijo. Saj veste, komentarje kot ‘amazing’ ali ‘nice blog’ vse ostalo pa je samo-promocija. In mogoče še celo vprašanje, če boš spremljal njihov blog. Bog. In dajo enak komentar na, kaj pa vem, nekaj sto blogov al kak. Ko sama komentiram na blogih, si vzamem čas, pregledam najmanj prvo stran (če sem prvič tam), preberem kar je napisano (hah, kaj bi pa drugega brala) [oz. preberem vsaj post, ki ga komentiram (!)], tako da dobim slikico o osebi, ki je za blogom. In ja, včasih res napišem samo ‘beautiful top’ ali kaj druga kratkega, ampak to res mislim, in ne želim samo dobiti komentarja nazaj. Čeprav sem zelo vesela ko ga dobim. In ja, včasih želim napisat daljši komentar in povedati več glede česa, ampak me je strah, da ljudje ne bojo razumeli, kaj mislim, zaradi moje revne angleščine. Moram se znebit tega. (To se tiče tujih blogov, saj veste). No, kakšno pa je vaše mnenje o kopiraj/prilepi komentarjih? So, what you think about the shirt? Gotta tell you about thing that bothers me a lot. Comments. No, I won’t turn them off, hah. It’s that a lot of comments that I get are copy/paste. Yes, somehow we all promote our blogs with commenting on others people’s blog, but it irritates me, when people leave comment on my blog just and only for self promotion. You know, when it’s comment like ‘amazing’ or ‘nice blog’ , everything else is self promotion. And maybe even a question if you will follow their blog. God. And they post the same comment on, I don’t know, a few houndred blogs or what. When I comment on blogs I take time, I check at least a first page (if I’m for a first time there) and I read what’s written (hah, what else could I read) [or at least I read a post which I’ll comment (!)] so I get a small picture about the persona who’s behind a blog. And yes, sometimes I just say ‘beautiful top’ or something else short, but it’s because I really mean it and not just because I wanna get a comment back. Even though I’m really glad when I get it. And yes,  sometimes I wanna write longer comment and tell more about something, but I’m affraid that people will not understand what I mean because of my poor English. Gotta get rid of that. So, what’s your opinion about copy/paste comments?

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. yes, generic comments annoy me so much! if people ask me to follow their blog in a comment I never do. it's just so needy! I also hate when people read just one post and comment with questions that they could have found out themselves if they'd read a little more. I get so many comments asking what I study at uni, when right up top my profile says that I'm a fashion student. argh.

  2. Meni je najbolj (tragi)smešno ker maš pod tem postom že tri take komentarje! 🙂
    Js te gledam/berem ker si zanimiva in če povem po pravici mi tvoj stil ni blizu, ampak je pa zanimiv in poseben + tvoj blog ni le modni, ampak nekaj več in to mi je všeč.

  3. No… copy/paste comments?? Every blog is different, so every opinion should be different. That's my opinion 😛

    You're so talented sweetie! Great DIY!


  4. You might be the only blogger on the planet that actually complains about getting comments. I do understand your point about only commenting for self promotion, but to be fair, how else do we learn about other blogs if NOT through self promotion?

  5. If it's clearly spam comments, delete them, of course. In the past few months, I've also seen an increase in "smart spam." The spammers have enlisted people with excellent English to leave genuine-seeming and sometimes funny/intelligent comments on blogs. However, if I see the link is to a replica watch site or fake handbag site, I still delete it and put the IP address in my spam catcher.

  6. I love that striped top. I also think it would be cute with a high waisted skirt and showing a bit of tummy (just a bit! haha). Anyways, I totally agree with you on the copy and paste thing. I'd hope that my readers leave comments because they want to say something, or start a conversation, not just link back to their blog!

    Have a nice day!



  7. se popolnoma strinjam! od prve besede do zadnje…
    jaz še link redkokdaj zalepim več zravn, ker nočem izpast, da se silim in se mi zdi, da če je človek zainteresiran si bo tako ali tako pogledal tvoj blog in tistemu ki bo všeč ga bo tut spremljal (in to v pravem pomenu besede, ne le kot "follower")…

    sploh pa ne morem verjet tem "I'll follow yours if you'll follow mine"…ne vem no, si pa le želim met followerje zato, ker jim bo moj stil všeč, ne pa zaradi nekih številk…

    in vsekakor sem zelo vesela iskrenih toplih komentarjev… :))

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