Tale DIY sem našla na Pinterestu (lahko me spremljate, če želite) in se seveda takoj odločila, da tole naredim tudi sama, saj je očitno, da vzame največ 30 sekund. Potrebujete samo luštne gumbe in gumice za lase, postopek izdelave pa je jasno razviden iz fotografij. Se vam ne zdi, da je to ena izmed tistih stvari, ob kateri pomislite “Kako za vraga se nisem jaz tega spomnila?!” Pri meni zagotovo je. * * * I came across this DIY on the Pinterest (follow me if you please) and of course I decided to give it a try, as is obvious that it takes you like 30 seconds. You need cool buttons and hair rubbers and the process is pretty self explanatory. Don’t you think this is one of those things that makes you think “How the hell didn’t I come up with this idea myself?!” I definetely do.
Super zgledajo na zapestju, se vam ne zdi? | | They look great on the wrist, don’t you think?
Waa, zakon! Sam res, kako se nisem jaz spomnila tega? 😀 Po mojem lepše izgledajo na zapestju kot na laseh 🙂
ja kok hudo! res čis simpl pa kjut <3
ii super diy! <3
res fajn, ful dobr zgleda pa sam potek deluje čist simpl 🙂 I'll try it 🙂 xx
ii luškano in easy! Cool idejca :))
wow))) super)) thanx)))
Angela Donava
Hi dear!
Love so much you're blog, is amazing!
Follow u, my name in GFC is: sexy_paige_cucu.
Hope u follow back 🙂 🙂
A lot of kisses.
waw, kok super ideja! Bom kopirala for sure! 🙂
p.s. ker rada pridem pogledat kaj se novega pri tebi dogaja –>
xo, M.