Kakšen mesec nazaj sem si naredila srajco z luknjami na ramenih. Navdihnil me je DIY od Vani. Poglejte si njen blog The dressing booth. Nisem si želela kupit srajce, samo zato, da bi jo predelala. A sem imela kot ponavadi srečo in sem našla pravi kos za ta DIY projektič, ko sem pregledovala kaj se skriva v eni omari, v kateri je nekoč ata imel svoja oblačila. Na enem žepu srajce je bila luknjica, zato sem naredila srček in ga prišila nanjo. Oblečeno sem imela v Zagreb, ko sva z Juretom šla pogledat, kaj se dogaja na fashion.hr INDUSTRIJA. No, kaj mislite o mojem DIY-u? * * * About a month or so ago I have made myself a DIY cut out shoulders shirt. I was inspired by the DIY made by Vani. Check out her blog The dressing booth. I didn’t want to buy a jeans shirt, just to cut it. But as usual I had luck of finding the right piece for this project, when I was checking one closet in which my father had had his clothes. The shirt had a little hole on one of the pockets, so I made a heart and sew it on it. I wore it to the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, when I and Jure went to see what’s going on at fashion.hr INDUSTRY. So, what do you think about my DIY?
that's so cutie!
Thanks! (:
Lepo. Odličen DIY projekt 🙂
Hvala, Ana!
It is actually not a bad idea. I like
Wow. Gorgeous ideia, girl. <3
zelo domiselno!! 🙂
This top looks awesome on you! So cool that you did the cut out shoulders yourself! I love it! Loved your comment about the American tourists! xx
IamXcessP: I'm glad you like it (:
Saint Folie: Thank you!
Mushei: A ne da (:
the style crusader: Thank you for compliment and for taking your time! (:
This is so pretty!!!
Res dobra ideja :))
hell yeahhh!!))
very creative atyle!)^)