(Vintage krilo; H&M majica, hlačne nogavice in torbica; čevlji Stradivarius; Sisley blazer iz druge roke) (Vintage skirt; H&M top, tights and bag; Stradivarius flats; secondhand Sisley blazer) Lagala sem v prejšnjem postu, da bom v tem spet oblečena v modro, ker sem pozabla na te fotke. Tole sem imela oblečeno v sredo, ko sva z Juretom imela pica zmenek 😀 Nisem vedela katero torbico naj imam zraven, a je Jure rekel ‘Vzemi rjavo, saj gre k vsemu’ in res, tale torba je lahko skoraj vedno prava izbira. Aja, in krilo je svetovno, a? Doma sem ga našla 😀 Tale teden sem brala knjigo Pogovori z Bogom 2 od Neala Donalda Walscha in jo res priporočam. Super knjiga je, pogovor med Nealom in Walschom, ki ga zlahka beremo in je navdihujoč. Bog je poln(a) odličnih idej in je zabaven(a). Če bi v cerkvi govorili o takšnem Bogu, bi z veseljem šla tja. Ampak ne. In ne maram it nekam, kjer je Bog nestrpna svinja, ki ne mara homoseksualcev in liberalnih ljudi. I lied in previous post that I’ll be wearing blue there again, because I forgot about these pictures. I wore this on Wednesday, when I and Jure had a pizza date 😀 I didn’t know which bag to take with me, so Jure said ‘Take the brown one, it goes with everything’ and yes, that bag could almost always be a right choice. And yes, this skirt is amazing, isn’t it? I found it at home 😀 I read Conversations with God, Book 2, from Neal Donald Walsch this week and I really recomend it. It’s a great book, a conversation between Neal and God, which is easily readable and really inspiring. God is full of great ideas and (s)he is fun. If they talked about that kind of God in church I would love to go there. But they don’t. And I don’t want to go in the place where is God an intolerant pig who dislikes the homosexuals or liberal people.
super!! :))