A conversation with strangers…

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Few weeks ago were I, Jure and two friends spending time together in apartment of one of these friends. I had been hungry so I took a walk to McDonalds, where I ordered vegetarian menu for me and some burgers for guys. Then I was walking back to apartment and enjoying the holyday city vibe. I took my camera out of my bag because I was almost besides the wall where was graffit that I wanted to take picture of. I had came through crosswalk, when someone called me. I turned around and there were one woman and one man, asking me if I speak English. “A little” I said and got ready to tell them in which way they had to go. But they didn’t ask me for a way. They asked “What do you think about Christmas?” And I told them. And then they were curious if I believe in God. “Yes, I do, but not in religious kind of way.” And then we had a long talk about God and about good and bad. They are Christians, but aren’t the part of any organisation, because of the bad things institutions have done in the past. I wont write the whole conversation here, just few facts, so you can get the idea what we had talk about.  They believe:

  • God is absolutely good
  • God hates bad things
  • The Truth can not be in contradiction with words of Jesus
  • Hitler went to hell
  • Abortion is killing and it’s bad
  • If you took a step in wrong direction it’s hard to came back on a right way
  • God is above us

And what I believe?  I believe that God is everywhere. I don’t believe there’s a place called hell, but you can create it in your mind. I believe that God doesn’t judge. Why would he? If he judges than he judges himself as everything is his creation. I believe that everything can be good or bad, depending on point of view. I believe in free will, so no matter how many bad things you’ve done, you can decide if your next action will be something that’s good for you, other people and planet or not. I believe Jesus was really good and wise, so there I have to agree with them, but during the conversation I saw that some of their beliefs are in contradiction with his words. We were standing on the corner for about half of hour or a little more. Then I went forward down the street and they were waiting for green light on semaphore to cross the road. I think they weren’t excited about my beliefs, hah. I came across graffit and took a picture of it and went back to them. I showed them a picture. “The world is as you are” she read out loud. “Yes,” I said, “and it’s the same with God. If you judge people and think those things are good and those are bad, then you believe that God does the same.”  Then I said “Goodbye, have fun!” and walked away. And I heard man said “Logical.” (: When I came to apartment french fries was cold and ice cream was like milkshake 😀 I use male form for God, but it really doesn’t matter. I hope it doesn’t irritate you reading this because of my language mistakes. What do you think about God?


With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. Punca tvoj blog je super! sem kar precejšen del tvojih objav prebrala…ko bi tudi jaz bila tako naudušena nad vsem kot ti..Všeč so mi slike narave, jo obožujem in čim več časa preživim zunaj z ljudmi, ki jih imam rada. btw super stil imaš;)
    ostani takšna še naprej;)

    (vem, da ne spada ravno pod ta post, ampak ker je zadni bom svoj komentar pustila tukaj;))

  2. Možno da se bom zaplezala, ampak ok. 🙂 Sem odrašala v zelo katoliški družini, ki je bila thanks god bolj umetniško-katoliško usmerjena(kar je dokaj čudno). Kar pa sem že zelo zgodaj opazila je to kako so dejansko ljudje ki hodijo v cerkev obsedeni z tem kako se predstavljajo drugim ljudem oz. kakšen vtis naredijo! Da morajo biti deklice oblečene v najlepše cote, ko gredo za praznike v cerkev je absurd. In tu se pokaže prvo poglavlje tega kvazi vernega ljudstva, ki kršijo rek ''ne obsojaj drugih po načinu oblačenja''. Da ne govorim o ti spovedih, ki je bil v starih časih samo lep način, da je župnik vedel kaj se dogaja po vasi. Lahko bi še veliko več povedala, ampak ne bom zahajala preveč globoko 🙂
    Ker sem sama bitje ki razmišlja s svojo glavo sem hitro ugotovila, da Bog kot ga opisuje biblija ne obstaja. Verjamem pa, da obstaja neka energija, spoj energij, ki povezuje celotni univerzum. Energija vseh ki smo živi in vseh, ki so umrli. Za tiste, ki so umrli molim sama, ne rabim določene ure da in procedur! In se mi tudi zdi tak način bolj oseben. Vedno je nekaj nad nami, nikoli ne sme človek gledati na sebe kot da je on najvišja sila. Ljudje še premalo vemo o svetu in o posmrtnosti, da bi lahko konkretno vedeli kaj naj verjamemo 🙂


  3. Ah, ja, res je ful hinavščine pa pomankanja zavedanja in zdrave pameti v teh krogih. Najbolj hecno je to, ko smo pred Bogom vsi enaki, pol pa naj bi šli homoseksualci, tisti, ki se ukvarjajo z jogo, reikijem ter bioenergijo in ljudje drugih ver v pekel. Halo? Hah.
    Mam sosedo, ko je skorajda fanatično verna in skorajda vsiljuje svoje nazore drugim, je pa non-stop v skrbeh. Kje je potem tu zaupanje v Boga?
    Al pa folk, ko vztraja v trpljenju zato, ker verjamejo, da bojo zato prišli v nebesa, hah.

    Meni babica pravi, da me Bog nima rad, ker ne hodim v cerkev, haha 😀

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