Prejšnji teden sem en večer na Pinterestu našla recept za te kruhke in ker so zgledali tako božansko pa še vse sestavine so bile doma sem jih naslednji dan naredila. Niso se mi izšli kot na fotki (ki sem jo objavila na facebooku), so pa bili vseeno zelo dobri. Ker smo na vrtu imeli še eno blitvo, sem jo izkoristila kot polnilo, prav tako pa tudi zadnje paradižnike. Recept najdete tukaj. * * * One evening in the last week I found reciepe for those little breads on the Pinterest. And because they looked so divine and I also had all the ingredients at home, I decided to give them a try the very next day. They didn’t came out as well as on the picture (I posted it on facebook), but they were still delicious. Because there was still one mangold in our garden I decided to use it for filling and the same I did with tomatoes. You can find reciepe here.
o njami! zgleda božansko. pa glih zdej to gledam k sm tko lačna, joj :/
Hehe, meni se to tudi skoz dogaja (:
Tole bo treba sprobat! Yumm!