Bloggers Wardrobe Competition part II

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intheair_thumb-2171878 Čeprav sem v modnem/stilskem bloganju že več kot dve leti in redno objavljam, nisem nikoli dosegla ogromnega števila ljudi. Ne vem zakaj. Morda, ker nisem imela še nobene nagradne igre. Sicer jo planiram, a ne še zdaj. Morda, ker ne objavljam naokrog kopiraj/prilepi komentarjev, da bi dobila čim več obiska na stran. Mogoče, ker ne nosim dragih znamk. Mogoče zato, ker ne spremljam blogov deklet, da bi me potem v zameno spremljale nazaj. Ali pa zato, ker redko nosim pete. In nimam JC Lita čevljev, haha. Verjetno nisem dobra v trženju sebe. Ali pa pač nimam X-faktorja, ki bi pritegnil veliko ljudi… Od tu naprej berite v tonu motivacijskega govora ;D : Ampak rada mislim, da ste vi, ki redno spremljate moj blog ali pa pridete tu pa tam pogledat kaj se dogaja z mano, da ste ljudje, ki uživajo na tej strani, ljudje, ki sem jim zdiva jaz in moj stil zanimiva, ljudje, ki radi vidijo, da nekdo nosi stara oblačila kot da so nova, ljudje, ki ne uživajo samo ob gledanju slik, ampak jih zanima tudi kaj se dogaja v moji glavi, ljudje, ki me želijo najboljše in bi me z veseljem videli uspeti… Torej, če si en izmed teh ljudi tudi ti, prosim klikni všeč mi je pod mojo sliko na facebook strani od Bloggers Wardrobe. Zelo bom hvaležna! Če predlagaš to še svojim prijateljem ti dobra karma ne uide ;D (Ne bom naredila nagradne igre, zato da bi potem ljudje glasovali zame. Ne želim nikogar sodit, ampak meni osebno se to zdi kot goljufanje. In raje častno zgubim, kot pa zmagam z goljufijo.) * * * Even though I am in fashion/style blogging for more than to years and I am  blogging regulary I never reached a lot of people. Don’t know why. Maybe because I haven’t had any giweavay here yet. I’m planing to have it, though, just not yet. It might be so ‘cause I don’t post generic comments to reach a lot of people out there. Maybe ‘cause I don’t wear expensive brands. It might be so ‘cause I don’t follow these girls who would follow me back in return. Or ‘cause I really rarely wear heels. And I don’t own JC Litas, haha. Probably I am not good in marketing myself. Or I just don’t have an X-factor  for larger group of people… Now read what’s following in motivational speech tone ;D  : But I like to think that people who daily visits my blog or here and there to see what’s going on with me, are the people who really enjoy this place, the people who find me and my style interesting, the people who enjoys seeing someone wearing old clothes with such confidence like they are new, people who doesn’t just enjoy lookin at the images, but also likes to now what’s going on in someone’s head, people who wish me all the best and would love to see me suceed… So, if you’re one of those people please like this picture of me on Bloggers Wardrobe facebook page. I will be so grateful! And if you suggest to your friends to vote for me, that means lots of  good karma for you ;D (I won’t make a giveaway or something so that people would like my picture then. Don’t want to judge anyone, but it feels like cheating to me. Like Sofocles said ‘I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.’) underthebridge_thumb-2994492laughing_thumb-4107200underthebridge252520details_thumb-8280889jump_thumb-4843976wedgesandals_thumb-1057607undethtebridgeportrait_thumb-1826575underthebridgewithsunglasses_thumb25255b225255d-1520559

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. najverjetneje ne ti ne jaz nimava velikega števila bralcev, ker nisva grebatorki in ne spemava svoj URL vsepovprek… saj bralci tudi take cenijo 😉

    pa veliko sreče!

  2. Takoj bi te poklikala, pa sem zbrisala Facebook. 😀

    Vsaj vemo, da kdor nas spremlja, nas verjetno spremlja z razlogom in ne samo zato, ker se jim mečemo pred nos. 🙂 Pa četudi ne zmagaš, mi mamo radi tvoj blog.

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