Bloggers meeting!

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V sredo je imel v Ljubljani koncert GZA, član po celem svetu slavne skupine Wu Tang Clan. Fant se je odločil, da si gre zadevo ogledat v živo, jaz pa sem seveda tudi hotela v prestolnico, ker sem zelo redko tam. Večina naših modnih blogerjev je doma v Ljubljani, in tako sem razmišljala koga bi kontaktirala za pijačo ali dve. Ampak tu pride najboljše! Naš fotograf uličnega stila Anže, je v ponedeljek v našo skupino na facebooku napisal, da se že dolgo nismo videli in predlagal srečanje v sredo! Popolna časovna usklajenost! Za srečanje smo se dogovorili v 10ih minutah! In tako sem se po dolgem času zabavala skoraj z vsemi mojimi najljubšimi blogerkami in blogerjem! Res smo se imeli super! Hecno je, da sem večino v živo videla komaj drugič, a sem se imela tako fajn, kot se imam s svojimi najboljšimi prijatelji/cami! In zdaj skoz, ko se spomnim na njih, je moje srce široko in toplo! Ljubim to! lsfbyanita245_thumb-4507049 Irena (Running in my heels) On the Wednesday there was a concert of GZA, member of world famous group Wu Tang Clan, in our capital Ljubljana. My boyfriend decided to go there and I of course wanted to go in Ljubljana too, as I am really rarely there. Most of the slovenian fashion bloggers live in Ljubljana and so I was wondering who would I contact for a drink or two. But here comes the best part! On the Monday our street style photographer Anže wrote a post on our group on facebook, about how we didn’t see each others for quite some time and suggested a meeting on Wednesday! What a perfect timing! The deal about the meeting was made in 10 minutes! And so I was having fun with almost all of my favourite bloggers there, after a long long time. Great times we had! It’s funny, how I saw almost all of them in a person for a second time, but I had so much fun with them, just like I have with my best friends! And now always when I think about our bloggers I feel very warm and wide at my heart! Love that! lsfbyanita252520259_thumb-2004712 Eva (Muscovites sky) lsfbyanita252520275_thumb-1374278 Špela (The Fashion Junkie), Katja (Oblačilnica) lsfbyanita252520246_thumb-4273205 Maja (Dreamland of sky and sand), Anamarija (Stardust and roses), Saša (duckalicious) lsfbyanita252520265_thumb-2895365 Špelalsfbyanita252520279_thumb-2324027Katja, Mancina (Mancinas styling spot)lsfbyanita252520255_thumb-3328429 Nina (Kitchy world in Bitchy words) lsfbyanita252520266_thumb-3077015 Eva, Anže (Ulični stil)lsfbyanita247_thumb-4616807 Maja

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Lih pršla nazaj z Londona in zagledala tale tvoj bloggers meeting post…kr nostalgična sm ratala 🙂 🙂 da bi jih blo čim več! xx

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