(Bluza vintage; blazer iz druge roke; jeans Passiontex; čevlji Graceland; torbica H&M) (Vintage blouse; secondhand blazer; Passiontex jeans; Graceland shoes;…
Who is sleeping?
Tole je skica Jureta, ki sem jo naredila prejšnji petek, medtem ko je spal. Pojedel je preveč pice (: Skica…
Okay, it seems like the hardest part of blogging are post titles…
(Blazer iz druge roke; srajca vintage; modri pulover Tally Weijl; pas C&A; jeans Oviesse; torbica neznano; čevlji H&M) (Secondhand blazer;…
Happy Birthday to me…
Zjutraj na 20. rojstni dan | | In the Morning on my 20th Birthday Čudovita vrtnica, ki mi jo je…
The last day of my teenage years.
(Jopa vintage; srajca Kilimanjaro; klobuk H&M; jeans Passiontex; čevlji Ali Star; verižica dar od Lushae Jewelry) (Vintage cardigan; Kilimanjaro shirt;…
Dreamer dream dreams..
Sreda zjutraj in zgodaj popoldne. Wednesday, in the morning and early afternoon. (Tunika Zara; kratke hlače New Yorker; hlačne nogavice…
The world is not a vicious place, It’s just the way we’ve been raised..
(Srajca vintage; jeans Passiontex; pas in uhani neznano; torba Sewa; čevlji Ali Star) (Vintage shirt; Passiontex jeans; unknown belt and…
Math anxiety
(Majica in jopa vintage; jeans Passiontex; čevlji Graceland) (Vintage top and cardigan; Passiontex jeans; Graceland shoes) Hjoo … Namesto učenja…
Everybody is a star..
(Majica in torbica H&M; rumena majica vintage; harem hlače Zara; hozntregarji Taurus; čevlji Ali Star) (H&M top and bag; vintage…
I've got a right to be wrong..
(Bluza in blazer iz druge roke; jeans Oviesse; torbica, čevlji in plašček H&M) (Secondhand blouse and blazer; Oviesse jeans; H&M…