My art and my etsy shop and you
Pozdravljeni dragi moji! Trenutno sem nezaposlena. No, tak je samo moj uradni status. Namreč, skozi si imam kaj za začet,…
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” -William James
Pozdrav! Ena hitra objava danes, ker moram v posteljo. Zzzzzz. Če se vam lušta brat moje besede, si preberite intervju,…
“But listen to me. For one moment quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you.” ― Rumi
Pozdrav! Na fotkah lahko vidite, kaj sem imela oblečeno prejšnji petek. Ja, res sem hitra, vem! Takrat smo šli…
Fashion with a sense of humour
I love!, Hrvaška, Croatia
"The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail." –Sri Ramakrishna
Pozdravljeni ljudje in vsi hrčki Frančki, ki ste si vzeli čas za moj blog! 😀 Danes se počutim precej navdihnjeno…
DIY: cut out shoulders
Kakšen mesec nazaj sem si naredila srajco z luknjami na ramenih. Navdihnil me je DIY od Vani. Poglejte si njen…
let’s go let’s go over all this stuff in our heads it’s been too long since they stay there …
“If you really want to hurt your parents and you don't have nerve enough to be homosexual, the least you can do is go into the arts.” -Kurt Vonnegut
Živimo v multidimenzionalnem filmu (3D, skrij se ;)) in vse vključno z nami je umetnost. Ste si kdaj želeli skočiti…
Great outfit!
Ko sem danes odprla Face Hunterjev blog, sem se zaljubila v tale outfit! I fell in love with this outfit…