Takole… Prejšnji teden sem želela pisat, ker sem imela veliko navdiha, ampak nisem imela dovolj časa, ker so bile druge stvari zame bolj pomembne. Glavna stvar, ki je sesala moj čas, je bila torbica. Pravzaprav še ni torbica. Vsak dan prejšnjega tedna sem pomislila: “Danes bom dokončala to torbico in potem bom napisala kaj mi hodi po glavi.” Ampak je na žalost torbica zahtevala preveč časa za delo in razmišljanje. In ne morem je dokončati, ker nimam pravega orodja! Tako, da mora počakat. Danes se počutim malo bolje glede sebe in svojih ciljev… Pravzaprav, se počutim toliko bolje, da bom nehala pisat in se spravila na delo! So… Last week I wanted to write as I have lots of inspiration, but I didn’t have enough time, ‘cause there were other things that were more important for me at the time. The main thing which sucked my time was a bag that I’m working on. Actually, it’s not a bag yet. Each day in the last week I thougt ”I’m going to finish this bag today and then I will write what’s on my mind.” But unfornatelly the bag took too much work and too much time for thinking. And I can’t finish it, because I don’t have right tools! So it has to wait. Today I’m feeling little better about myself and my goals… Actually, I’m feeling so much better, that I’m going to leave you with pictures and get to work! (Vintage pulover; neznana ruta; Zara hlače; H&M torbica: Cube čevlji) (Vintage sweater; unknown scarf; Zara pants; H&M bag; Cube shoes) O, ja, danes sem dodala nekaj stvari v mojo trgovinico. Poglejte si. To je ukaz 😉 Oh, yes, I updated my shop today. Check it. This is an order 😉