At the Slovenian coast: Koper

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zvonik252520v252520kopru_thumb-9377641boat_thumb-8230476 Prejšnji teden sem bila na morju. Za tri dni. Z mamo in Juretom. V torek zvečer smo se odločili, da gremo in v sredo smo že bili tam. Srečo smo imeli, da smo dobili sobo v koprskem dijaškem domu. Najcenejša verzija, a čisto dobra za dve noči. Pa še hrana je bila dobra. Šli smo z mojim avtom in ko smo se pripeljali v Koper, smo od zadnjega levega kolesa zaslišali čuden zvok. Ustavili smo in se spravili z avta, da bi pogledali, kaj se dogaja. Vse se je zdelo normalno. Šli smo nazaj v avto in se odpeljali naprej do dijaškega doma, a zavore niso delale kot bi morale. To je skoraj popolnoma spremenilo naše plane. Naslednji dan smo odpeljali avto na popravilo. To me je stalo skoraj 175€. Hvala bogu za kreditno kartico. A to pomeni, da moram res kaj prodati, če se želim prebit skozi naslednji mesec. Ali kako drugače dobit denar. Jap, recite mi, da naj si poiščem pravo službo! No, vseeno pa smo se imeli super. Vreme je bilo sončno, voda bi bila lahko malo toplejša, a je bilo vseeno super plavat in kamorkoli smo pogledali je bilo čudovito. Jaz in mama že 9 let nisva bili na slovenski obali, zato sva bili zelo presenečeni, kako so se stvari spremenile. V dobro smer. Koper ni bil ravno v najboljšem stanju, ko smo bili nazadnje tam, a zdaj je to skoraj čisto drugo mesto. Nove luči, promenada ob morju, krožni promet za kolesa (to sem prvič videla) in še veliko več. Priporočam obisk. * * * I was at the seaside last week. For three days. With my mum and my boyfriend. At Tuesday evening we decided to go to the coast and at Wednesday we were already there. We had luck that we got the room in hostel. The cheapest version, but totally okay for two nights. And food was good. We went there with my car and when we got in Koper there was a strange sound at the left rear wheel. We got out of the car and checked what was going on, but everything seemed okay. So we got back in and drove to the hostel, but brakes didn’t work normally. That almost totally changed our plans. The next day we took car for repair. That cost me about 175€. Thanks god for the credit card. That means I really have to sell something if I wanna get through the next month. Or get money some other way. Yeah, tell me to get a real job! Otherwise  we had a great time. Weather was sunny, wather could be a bit more warm, but was still okay and views were beautiful. I and mum haven’t been at Slovenian coast for 9 years and we were very surprised how things changed. In a good way. The town of  Koper wasn’t really in a good shape when we were last time there, but now it looks almost like a diferent city. New lights, promenade by the sea, rondo for bicyles (I’ve never seen that before) and lot more. I would really recommend you a visit. panda252520graffit252520in252520our252520room_thumb-7282175Grafit v naši sobi | | Graffit in our room full252520boat_thumb-1589615view_thumb-9251647windows_thumb-3231579trg2525202525282252529_thumb25255b125255d-2090010   trg2525202525281252529_thumb25255b125255d-1012133jadernice_thumb-8938079lights_thumb-4756717image-4866821image-5857796  bunny_thumb25255b125255d-2351743fontana_thumb25255b125255d-5803308  shaking252520lights_thumb25255b225255d-2852474 in252520the252520church2525202525282252529_thumb25255b325255d-7367580in252520the252520church2525202525283252529_thumb25255b325255d-7093829in252520the252520church2525202525286252529_thumb25255b325255d-6351282rondo_thumb25255b325255d-4092550in252520the252520church2525202525284252529_thumb25255b325255d-5152014in252520the252520church2525202525285252529_thumb25255b125255d-1634363in252520the252520church2525202525288252529_thumb25255b125255d-3811059 in252520the252520church2525202525289252529_thumb25255b425255d-3305849

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. V 9 letih se je Koper res zelo zelo spremenil in to na dosti boljše… toliko pljuvajo po našem županu, ampak zahvaljujoč njemu je danes Koper pravo, lepo in urejeno mesto prijetno tako za domačine kot za turiste 🙂 I'm proud of my town 🙂
    Ta teden je pa morje dosti bolj toplo, tako da si vabljena ponovno na našo lepo obalo :))

  2. Kel: If you are magical, everything is magical. I am full of wisdom today 😉
    Lot's of love around the globe right back at you! <3

    Sanja: Hehe, sem prebrala mami tvoj komentar in je imela takoj solzne oči. Hehe, ziher si nisi tega mislila 😀
    Jap, ponavadi na tiste, ko največ naredijo najbolj pljuvajo. Ker pač ljudje hočejo svojo nesposobnost opravičit s kazanjem na napake drugih.
    Ej, lahko si ponosna na Koper.. še jaz sem ponosna, ker je del Slovenije.
    Pa hvala za povabilo in za komentar tudi!

  3. kolk hude fotke. in joj sux za avto, ampak samo da ste uredili in d niste pustil d vam bi to uničlo počitnice. Slo obala pa res postaja vse lepša in prou rada sem začela zahajat dol =)

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