Alter Muffin

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Takole, danes sem se odločila, da bom končno naredila post o tem dekletu. Tole sem že dolgo imela v mislih. Zakaj sem se odločila za to? Dejstvo je, da je ne poznam v resničnem življenju. Ne govorim z njo preko facebooka. Ker ga nimam. Vse kar vem o njej, vem preko njenega bloga, njenih komentarjev na mojem in na drugih blogih [če se zgodi, da jih vidim]. Ampak skozi vse to lahko vidim, da je ena izmed teh ljudi, ki zmorejo videti lepoto v svetu okoli sebe, ki razmišljajo o življenju in ki so pripravljeni ter dovolj pogumni, da spremenijo stvari, ki jim niso všeč. In z revolucijo začnejo pri sebi. Ko sem se pritoževala glede kopiraj/prilepi komentarjev, je napisala, da so ti ogledalo naše družbe. In da naj sprejmem svet takšen kot je. In da se naj zavedam, da bodo vedno obstajali ljudje, ki uživajo v branju blogov in ki razmislijo o napisanem. Ni točno tako napisala, ampak tole je bistvo, ki sem ga prejela. Hvala ti, Barbara! Prepričana sem, da če bi živeli v istem mestu, bi se družili in preživeli ure v tiste vrste pogovoru, ki te napolni z energijo. Draga Barbara, vesela sem, da obstajaš in da si kar si! So, today I decided to finally make a post about this girl. I have that on my mind for a long time. Why I decided to make a post about her? The fact is that I do not know her in real life. I do not talk with her via facebook. Because I do not have it. All I know about her is through her blog and her comments on my blog and on other’s people blogs [if  happens that I see them]. But through all that, I can see she’s the one of these people who can see beauty in the world around them, who thinks about life and are ready and brave enough to change things they doesn’t like. And they start a revolution with themselves. When I was complaining about copy/paste comments, she wrote that these are mirror of our society. And that I gotta accept the world as it is. And be aware that there are always people who enjoy reading blogs and who thinks about what you write. She didn’t wrote exactly like this, but this is the point I got. Thank you, Barbara! I’m sure if we would live in the same city, we would hanging out together and spend hours in that kind of talk which fills you with energy. Dear Barbara, I’m glad you exist and that you are who you are! dsc1020_thumb-4237428 sdc12648_thumb-8226449 sdc12496_thumb-6009593 k1q-2_thumb-6458468 Tole obleko je ona naredila! | | She made this dress! lookingup_thumb-3169932  

Upam, da ne bo jezna, ker sem si sposodila njene fotografije brez dovoljenja 😉
I hope she wont mind lending her pictures without permission 😉

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Meni je tut ful ušeč njen blog, čeprav ga spremljam bolj potiho. So mi všeč njeni alternativni pogledi na use skupaj, vsaj tak vtis sem jaz dobila in mi je res všeč. :))
    Tista obleka, ki jo je naredila pa je zakon!

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