23 ways to boost your happiness when you don’t know how the hell you are gonna make it

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Admit it, life can get pretty shitty from time to time. You work and work and still it seems like there’s no results. Well at least not in your pocket, because every penny you earn is already spent for all the things you need to pay so that you can work. Pretty depressing. Your to do list is endless. There’s not enough hours in the day to do everything on it. 15 things when you can actually do like 5 of them, if you are focused. And on top of that, you feel so tired. And anxious. How the hell I’m gonna make it?! Life shouldn’t supposed to be this way! Sounds familiar? It sure does to me. I get caught up in this vicious cycle quite often, to be honest. When I start my new project I get my hopes up high and have a freaking lots of energy, but when things don’t roll in fast enough I can start to feel prety low and like a loser who is never going to make it.

But because I’m pretty realistic, I know everthing is not that bad. Yes that’s realistic thinking – that goes to all the so called realists out there who are actually pessimists. We love you anyway.

I’m alive, I breath, I can make myself something to eat, I can walk, I can talk, I can sing (when nobody can hear me), I have bunch of wonderful people in my life who support or encourage me or both on my way. I’m blessed!

So, today I want to share with you 23 ways that can bring you from miserable to happy, if you give them a try. They are all proven to work, at least on me. Give them a try and tell me which works best for you.

Priznaj, življenje postane vsake toliko prav pokakano. Delaš in delaš in nikjer pravega rezultata. Vsaj ne v tvojem žepu, ker je vsak cent, ki ga zaslužiš že vnaprej porabljen za stvari, ki jih moraš plačevati zato, da sploh lahko delaš. Precej depresivno. Tvoja lista dnevnih nalog je neskončna. Dan nima dovolj ur, da bi lahko vse naredil. 15 nalog, medtem ko jih lahko dokončaš 5, če si fokusiran. In potem se počutiš še utrujeno. In tesnobno. Kako za vraga mi bo uspelo?! Življenje se ne bi smelo tako odvijati! Zveni znano? Meni gotovo. Iskreno povedano, se kar pogosto ujamem v takšne kroge. Ko začnem s kakšnim novim projektom moji upi zrastejo v višave in imam neverjetno količino energije, a ko se stvari ne odvijajo dovolj hitro, mi razpoloženje pade in začnem se počutiti kot zguba, ki ji ne bo nikoli uspelo. 

Ampak, ker sem precej realistična, vem, da vse ni tako bedno. Jap, to je realistično razmišljanje, za vse tiste ki se imate za realiste, a ste v resnici pesimisti. Saj vas imamo vseeno radi 😉 

No, danes želim deliti z vami 23 načinov, ki lahko premaknejo tehtnico od nesreče proti sreči, če jim boste seveda dali priložnost. Kar vam toplo priporočam, ker vsi dokazano delujejo, vsaj na meni, vi pa preverite sami. 


1. Write. How you feel about life, what are you doing lately, what sucks, what’s good? Writing helps to clear your mind, it gives you clarity and helps put the things on their place. That gray cloud of messy thoughts and feelings around your head goes away and you can see blue sky full of potential again. I always feel awesome when I’m done writing a post for this blog.

2. Take a day off. You deserve it. Unless you work only one day per week, then work some more ;). No, really. A day off when you’re stressed out can bring you closer to your goal no matter how not logical that may sound. But don’t go drunk or high or watch porn or play games or waste your whole day on internet or whatever… Do what you really like, do other things on this list, do other positive things you come up with or just rest. Enjoy feelin of your soul in your body.

3. Write gratitude diary. At least ten things you are grateful for. Also write down how grateful you are for all the things you managed to do. To whom you gave your attention. It will make you feel good about yourself and you’ll notice you are more productive than you might think.

4. Make yourself a smoothie. Fruits, vegetables, seeds. All delicious and healty. It makes you less hungry when you don’t have a time to cook and gives you fresh new energy.

5. Go for a coffee with yourself. Sit down and watch. Just be. Enjoy your own company. It will makes you feel dope, I promise.

1. Piši. Kako se počutiš glede življenja, kaj počneš zadnje čase, kaj bedno, kaj je dobro. Pisanje pomaga sprazniti um in pomaga postaviti stvari na svoje mesto. Siv oblak zmedenih misli in občutkov okrog tvoje glave odpihne stran in spet imaš odprt pogled na čisto modro nebo polno potenciala. Sama se veno počutim čudovito, ko napišem objavo za blog. 

2. Vzemi si prost dan. Zaslužiš si. Razen če delaš le en dan na teden, potem raje delaj še kakšnega ;). Ne, resno. Prost dan, ko si pod stresom zaradi vsega, te dejansko privede bližje tvojim ciljem, ne glede na to, kako kontra logično se to sliši. Ampak ne se ga napit ali zadet ali cel dan gledat porniče ali igrat igrice ali samo klikat po internetu ali karkoli takšnega. Počne nekaj v čemer res uživaš, počni stvari na tem seznamu ali se spomni še kakšnega dobrega načina ali pa le preprosto počivaj. Uživaj v občutku duše v svojem telesu.

3. Piši dnevnik hvaležnosti. Naštej vsaj deset stvari. Napiši tudi, kako hvaležen/a si za vse, kar ti je uspelo postoriti. Komu ti je uspelo podariti svojo pozornost. Počutil/a se boš boljše glede sebe in opazil/a boš, da si bolj produktiven/a, kot si misliš. 

4. Naredi si smuti. Sadje, zelenjava, semena. Vse okusno in zdravo. Smuti ti pomaga zmanjšati lakoto, kadar nimaš časa za kuhanje in ti da svežo energijo. 

5. Pojdi na kavo sam/a s seboj. Sedi, opazuj. Preprosto bodi. Uživaj v svoji družbi. Počutil/a se boš kot milijon evrov, obljubim.


6. Go for a walk. If you have a dog or not. Listen to birds, watch trees and grass and flowers. Listen to the wind. It will tell you the story of now.

7. Give your feet a massage. Feet are awesome, They carry you around with all your weight! Give them attention. Say thanks.

8. Give attention to some person. Family member if that’s possible. Be kind. Show them you are proud of them. No matter the age, every person wants to feel appreaciated.

9. Work out. Don’t think about getting skinnier or stronger (unless it feels you with joy), just enjoy sensations in your body. Do it for the sake of it. 5 – 15 minutes can be enough to get your happy hormones going.

6. Pojdi na sprehod. Če imaš psa ali ne. Poslušaj ptice, glej drevesa, travo in cvetje. Poslušaj veter. Povedal ti bo zgodbo o tem trenutku. 

7. Zmasiraj si podplate. Podplati so zakon. Naokrog nosijo vso tvojo težo! Daj jim pozornost. In se jim zahvali. 

8. Nameni pozornost kakšni osebi. Družinskemu članu, po možnosti. Bodi prijazen/a. Pokaži, da si ponosen/a nanj/o. Ne glede na starost. Vsaka oseba ima rada občutek, da jo cenijo. 

9. Telovadi. Ne misli na to kako boš shujšal/a ali postal/a močnejši/a /razen če te to polni z radostjo), preprosto uživaj v občutkih, ki ti jih daje telo. Telovadi zaradi telovadbe same. 5-15 minut je že dovolj, da začnejo hormoni sreče brzeti v tvoje možgane. 


10. Bake something. Maybe it’s just me, but usually when everything sucks and I decide to bake something sweet or a homemade pizza, it’s a total success which saves my day.

11. Write a message to someone you find inspiring. It could be someone who’s blog you admire (write me, write me;) or a friend that inspired you with some new way of thinking, a web coach that gave you insight, person you read the interview with in the press..

12. Create something new. Draw, paint. Write a short poem.  Recyle something, make it prettier. We are creators, we have to create.

13. Do some EFT. It’s really easy to learn and you have bunch of awesome free videos about almost everything that bothers you on youtube (I’m a fan of Brad Yates, but there are many other great practitioners out there). Let go of the shit that holds you back and move forward.

10. Speci kaj. Morda je tako le pri meni, a ko je vse v k* in se odločim, da bom spekla kaj sladkega ali domačo pico, mi vedno uspe. Kar mi reši dan. 

11. Napiši sporočilo komu, ki te navdihuje. Lahko je to kdo, kogar blog občuduješ (piši mi, piši mi;) ali prijatelj/ica, ki te je navdihnila s kakšnim novim pogledom na situacijo, spletni predavatelj, ki ti je dal vpogled, oseba s katero si bral/a intervju v reviji. 

12. Ustvari kaj novega. Riši, slikaj, napiši kratek poem. Recikliraj ali polepšaj kaj. Ljudje smo stvarniki, ustvarjanje je v naši naravi!

13. EFTaj. Takoj se lahko naučiš in na youtubu lahko najdeš ogromno posnetkov na skoraj katerokoli temo, ki te muči. Sama najpogosteje eftam sama ali ob pomoči Brada Yatesa, lahko pa najdeš še veliko drugih odličnih terapevtov. Pusti za sabo drek, ki te drži ponavljajočih vzorcih in se premakni naprej. 

 (Handpainted tote and earrings 3 Ptice; vintage Rašica cardigan, vintage Mura blouse, Graceland shoes, Zara pants) (Totica in uhani 3 Ptice; jopa vintage Rašica; bluza vintage Mura; Graceland čevlji, Zara hlače)

14. Clean and declutter. It’s good to start with a place you spent most of the day time at. Like your computer desk. Cleaning is the best cure for deppression. Plus clean space makes you feel way more clean and open for the new ideas. Another plus, you will be proud of yoursel every time you come to that room.

15. For women: Paint your nails. Bright happy colour on my nails always boost my happiness.

16. Try a new hairdo, even though you’ll stay at home all day and no one besides you is going to see it.

17. Put inspiring quote that is totally in tune with you on the wall. Or at least on the computer desktop.

14. Čisti in pospravljaj. Začni s prostorom, v katerem preživiš največ časa. Morda z raučunalniško mizo? Čiščenje je najboljše zdravilo za depresijo. V sveže počiščenem prostoru se boš počutil/a veliko čisteje tudi navznoter in odprl se ti bo prostor za nove ideje. Še en plus je, da boš ponosen/a na sebe vsakič, ko boš stopil/a v sobo. 

15. Za ženske: Nalakiraj si nohte. Svetla vesela nova barva na nohtih me vedno spravi v dobro voljo. 

16. Naredi si novo frizuro, četudi boš cel dan doma in boš edini/a, ki jo bo videl/a. 

17. Na zid si prilepi navdihujoč citat. Ali pa vsaj spremeni ozadje na računalniku. Namig: lahko se naročiš na 3 Ptice Navdihovalnico 😉


18. Cook yourself a lunch or dinner. Light a candle. Make ambiental music. Don’t read while you eat. Pretend you are in restaurant. Be in the present.

19. Watch Happy videos from all around the world. They’ll make you feel connected to the people, you’ll love them and you’ll love yourself for loving them. I start to cry of happienes when I watch those videos. I’m so glad that such a great thing went so viral!

20. Write down what you want from life. Then ask yourself hat you are willing to do for it. Then do it.

18. Skuhaj si kosilo ali večerjo. Prižgi si svečko. Naredi si ambientalno glasbo. Ne beri medtem ko ješ. Pretvarjaj se, da si v restavraciji. Bodi v trenutku. 

19. Glej Happy posnetke iz celega sveta. Počutil/a se boš povezano z ljudmi, vzljubil/a jih boš in posledično boš vzljubil/a tudi sebe. Sama jočem od sreče, ko gledam to. Res sem vesela, da se je takšna pozitivna stvar virusno razširila naokrog. 

20. Zapiši, kaj hočeš od življenja. Potem se vprašaj, kaj si pripravljen/a za to naredit. Potem stori to. 


21. Watch MarieTV. I’m so grateful one of my email subscribers let me know about that chick.

22. Make yourself aromatherapy.Different smel, different associations.

23. Buy yourself some flowers and put them on a clean table. Say hello to them everytime you come to the room. Flowers love that!

Bonus point: Don’t believe everything you think about yourself. You are capable of way more than you think. Give youself permission to play BIG!

21. Glej MarieTV. Tako sem hvaležna, da mi je ena naročnica na Life.Style.Fun. in 3 Ptice Novice posredovala povezavo do te ženske. 

22. Naredi si aromaterapijo. Drug vonj, druge asociacije. 

23. Kupi si rože ali si jih nareži na vrtu in jih daj na čisto mizo.Pozdravi jih vsakič, ko prideš v sobo. Rože imajo to zelo rade. 

Bonus točka: Ne verjemi vsega, kar misliš o sebi. Sposoben/a si veliko več, kot si misliš. Daj si dovoljenje za velikopotezno igro! 


Which tip resonate the most with you? Which of these things you already do in your life? What you wanna add? Share, I love to hear from you!

Kateri nasvet te najbolj pritegne? Katere izmed teh stvari že delaš? Kaj bi še želel/a dodati? Deli, z velikim veselje bom prebrala tvoje mnenje!

With Love,

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By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. v uvodu se najdem čis pousod, pa kok si dobre točke do sreče napisala. men marsikatera pomaga 🙂 & ful si luškana na slikah, prou sonček! xx

  2. tretja in četrta fotka sta zakon! 🙂 drugače pa čiščenje, peka, športanje, svečke, lakiranje nohotv, sprehod, druženje.. to vse pri meni pomaga 🙂
    in pa verjami vase, za vse stvari je potreben čas, saj ti bo uspelo 😉 🙂

  3. Superca, tale post bi si moral vsak nesrečnež prebrat :)) moje najbolj pogoste metode so pospravljanje, lakiranje nohtov in pa tek, ko pozabiš na vse in samo tečeš, zato ker ti paše .. 🙂 in tole s sporočilom nekomu, ki ga občuduješ, res velja. Jaz takimm osebam ne upam nikoli nič komentirati (ciljam na bloge), ker se mi zdi da sem preveč navaden človek, da bi jim sploh kaj rekla. V resnici pa so tudi oni povsem normalni ljudje, ki se komentarja ali pohvale razveselijo prav tako kot jaz. Tako da s tem polepšaš dan njim in sebi 🙂

    1. Jaaa, in včeraj ko sem prebrala tvoj komentar, mi je prav zaigralo srce! Tako da ja, definitivno polepšaš dan in sem prepričana, da se tudi vsak zelo uspešen bloger razveseli vsakega s srcem napisanega komentarja!
      Prav navdihuješ me, da se spravim spet malo k teku!

  4. Zadnje čase imam prepogosto slabe dni in od zdej naprej bom vedno, ko bom čutila, da je pred mano slab dan izbrala eno ali dve ali več točk s tega tvojega spiska in uživala življenje. 🙂 hvala! Tvoje objave prinesejo prou sončke. ^^

    xx, Kaja

  5. Thankyou for this beautiful post! I've just started reading the book "The Magic" and it's all about gratitude and living a positive lifestyle.Have you read it?

    1. You know what's magic? That I had this book on my desk when I read your comment!! True story, sister! I love this book! I bought it last year and did almost every exercise in it a few times and no wonder 2013 was my best year so far. Ha! Now I pick it up from time to time and open it on a random page and I always get inspired and grateful.

  6. Ahh! Now I'm even more excited to read it! I bought it a while back and never got around to read it, can you believe that! Gotta get too it no slackin' this time:) Thanks for the response,you are awesome!<3

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