A post was written. The computer decided to freeze. A post was lost.
So just the point of the lost post: I’m so glad I took a week off, because I’m so full of fresh energy now! Yeeha!
Crazy happy at the end of the longest pier I have ever seen. That would be my to go place for meditation if I lived there.
Free wifi almost everywhere. Jure was using it a lot. I just checked my e-mails twice, Internet almost equals work for me, so I stay away from it on vacations.
Lepe slikice te, me veseli, da si se imela lepo 🙂
Se mi zdi, da je morje še lepše, ko ni poletje (se pravi spomladi in jeseni :D). 🙂
Jaaa, jaz sem čisto navdušena! Hehe, pa nobene gužve nikjer!