My first set of wire wrapped stone earrings and how I failed at least 13 times before I finished them

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dsc0914325255b325255d-7553049 If you follow me on instagram you already know I made my first set of wire wrapped earrings. And now I want to share behind the scene with you. First there were those cute little white stones that I got in some of those candles and other stuff cheap packages you get for your birthday, when giver doesn’t know you enough to know what you want. But candles come in handy sooner or later, so it’s all good. It even happened I was totally out of candles and then got them in that package for the x-mas present. Back to the stones. I painted them with with acrylics, colors for glass and sharpie.   Tisti, ki me spremljate na instagramu, že veste, da mi je uspelo narediti set kamnitih uhančkov ovitih z žico. Zdaj pa bi vam rada povedala še ozadje njihovega nastanka. Začelo se je z malimi belimi kamenčki, ki sem jih dobila v enem od teh poceni darilnih paketov s svečkami, ki jih dobiš za darilo od ljudi, ki te ne poznajo dovolj dobro, da bi vedeli, kaj si želiš. Svečke sicer pridejo slej ko prej prav, tako da to sploh ni slabo. Se mi je že zgodilo, da mi jih je ravno zmanjkalo, pa sem jih potem dobila v enem teh paketov. Nazaj h kamenčkom. Poslikala sem jih z akrili, barvami za steklo in črnim flomastrom.handpainted252520stones25255b425255d-3321903 Then I baked them in the oven a little to fixate the colors. Then I glued them onto those little studs for earrings. Unfournately that wasn’t the most bright idea. Stones are too heavy so they don’t stand nicely and close to the ear. And few shakes with the head and you would loose the earrings. So, fail number 1. Then I came to idea to drill the stones and make dangle earrings. We have this strong drill machine you connect with wall mount socket. Not a weak battery one is what I’m trying to say here. So, I took a white stone and started drilling. It took me lots of time to came even to the half of the stone! So, fail number 2.   Potem sem jih malo zapekla v pečici, da so se barve zafiksirale.Potem sem jih zalepila na osnove za uhane. Na žalost to ni bila najbolj pametna ideja. Kamenčki so pretežki, tako da ne stojijo lepo ob ušesu, ampak se povesijo navzdol ob mešičku. In parkrat streseš z glavo pa jih zgubiš. Polom št. 1. Potem sem prišla na idejo, da bi naredila viseče uhane. Doma imamo ta močno električno bormašino, ki jo priklopiš v električno omrežje, ki se je zdela odlična izbira v primerjavi z baterijsko, ki jo uporabljam po navadi. Vzela sem torej en neposlikan kamenček in začela vrtat. Porabila sem ogromno časa, da sem izvrtala luknjico le do polovice kamenčka. Polom št. 2. uha125255b325255d-1259486   I could use those colorful stones for the decoration on my shelf, but they would be all dusty sooner or later. And I started working on them with intention to make the earrings and I was determined to do so! So I started thinking about wire wrapping. And is there a better way to learn new things than youtube? (Well, there is – learning in person from someone well experienced.) So, I found this video how to wire wrap a stone without a hole. This lady is amazing. It makes it look as easy as pie. Or instant coffee.   Lahko bi obupala in kamenčke uporabila za dekoracijo na polici. In na njih bi se nabral prah. Ampak ne, jaz sem se odločila, da naredim iz teh kamenčkov uhane in dve napaki mi tega ne bosta preprečili. Potem sem se spomnila, da bi jih lahko ovila z žico. Obstaja kakšen boljši način, da se naučiš česa novega, kot je youtube? (Pravzaprav obstaja – učenje v živo od izkušene osebe). Našla sem tale video, kako z žico oviti kamen brez luknje. Ta dama je neverjetna. Stvar predstavi tako, da zgleda enostavno kot pita. Ali instant kava. pink252520gold252520wire252520wraped252520stone252520earrings252520252528325252925255b325255d-9690136 I have few meters of wire left from my last project so it was time for action. How it went? I screwed 5 times in a row, before I successfully wrapped my first stone. So fail 3-8. Have to admit I needed some rest in between those, because I get very tired, when I feel like I don’t understand something. And my fingers were hurt. But I keep on trying, because I’m stubborn as hell. So, the first evening I wrapped the pink ones and the next day other pairs. You think it all went well after the first pair? You got that wrong. I failed another 5-7 times in between successful attempts. Who would count? It was about 13 or 14 fails through the process.   Nekaj metrov žice mi je ostalo od enega prejšnjega projekta, tako da sem šla v akcijo. Kako je šlo? Zasrala sem 5x zaporedoma, preden mi je uspelo prvi kamenček oviti z žico. Polom 3-8, torej. Priznati moram, da sem vmes morala malo zadremat, ker postanem precej utrujena, ko mi ne uspe česa dognat. Pa še prsti so me boleli. Ampak sem poskušala še naprej. Ker sem trmasta kot hudič. Prvi večer sem torej ovila rozaste in naslednji dan še ostale. Mislite, da mi je po prvem paru lepo šlo? Potem se motite. Okrog 5-7 krat se mi je žica zlomila medtem, ko mi je kdaj tudi uspelo. Kdo bi štel? Skupno št. polomov skozi proces je bilo cca 13 ali 14. aztec252520inspired252520wire252520wrapped252520earrings25255b625255d-7282507 But I made these wire wrapped beauties! And I’m proud of myself! So, moral of the story? You can’t always expect to make it the first time you try something new. Sometimes you will fail bunch of times in a row. That doesn’t mean you are loser. You are trying and you are going to make it!   Ampak mi je uspelo narediti te čudoviteže! In ponosna sem nase! Nauk zgodbe? Ne moreš pričakovati, da ti bo vedno uspelo, ko nekaj prvič poskusiš. Včasih padaš kar zaporedoma. In to ne pomeni, da si zguba. Ker poskušaš! In slej ko prej ti bo uspelo! dsc0915025255b325255d-8948766 You can get them at my funky little shop on Etsy. Če so vam všeč, si jih lahko privoščite na

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


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