Hello, birdies. Just a quickie today, as I had a long (but joyful) day and I long for shower, meditation and sleep (:
I just want to share with you this awesome guided meditation by Christy Whitman, which I did in the morning and it was fantastic!
It’s about setting the intention for the feeling/energy you want to go with through the year. I highly recommend it!
And you can see in the title what’s my choice of energy I intend to experience a lot in this year and already did during this day (I run out of the house with a pencil in my hand when I saw a glimpse of a beautiful light at the time of the sunset, it was so amazing! And my grandma was enjoying it as well which made me feel connected to her, yay!)
Yep, that’s all for today!
Anita & 3 Ptice
Pozdravljene, ptičice! Danes samo par vrstic, saj sem imela precej dolg (a radosten) dan in sedaj razmišljam le še o prhi, meditaciji in spanju (:
Z vami želim deliti to čudovito vodeno meditacijo od Christy Whitman, v kateri sem uživala danes zjutraj in je bilo res fantastično!
Gre za naravnavo na občutek/energijo s katero želiš iti skozi leto. Zelo jo priporočam!
In v naslovu lahko vidite, kakšno energijo sem si izbrala jaz, da me bo v obilju spremljala skozi leto. In me je že danes! (V času sočnega zahoda sem skozi okno zagledala čudovito svetlobo in stekla ven še vedno s svinčnikom v roki, tako čudovita je bila! Zunaj je pa babica pravkar uživala v njej, ob čemer sem dobila občutek povezanosti še z njo, jej!)
Jap, to je vse za danes!
Z ljubeznijo,
Anita & 3 Ptice
I love the coat and the qoute! That ryhmed
Zelo lepa izgledaš na telih slikah!:)