Pozdravljen, folk! Imam kar nekaj fotk, na katerih kulski ljudje nosijo 3 Ptice. Če ste slučajno prvič tukaj – 3 Ptice je moja mala blagovna znamka. Za njo stojim kot oblikovalka, izdelovalka, fotografinja, PR dekle, model, pravzaprav igram vse možne vloge. Fokusiram se na okolju prijazno modo. Recikliram stara oblačila in rabljen nakit in iz tega izdelujem res kulske modne dodatke. In ročno slikam na eko vrečke. Izdelke lahko kupite tukaj (če nimate paypala me kontaktirajte na anita.puksic@gmail.com).
No, tale lepotica na fotki je Metka. Na sebi ima 3 Ptice verižico, narejeno iz recikliranega jeansa in nerecikliranih ketnic. Metka je punca od mojega sošolca z Duhovne Univerze. Ta sošolec je lansko leto imel srečo, bil je namreč izžreban za darilni bon v moji nagradni igri. In seveda je punci prepustil, da si izbere dobrote. Odločila se je za to verižico in za tole vrečko.
Fotka je nastala pozimi, zato ima Metka na sebi dolge rokave (: Primož je potreboval nekaj mesecev, da mi je poslal fotke in jaz sem rabila nadaljnih nekaj mesecev, da sem uredila in objavila najboljšo. Ampak boljše pozno, kot nikoli, a ne da? In zdaj končno Metkina prisotnost tukaj dela moj blog malo lepši 😉
Če si lastite kakšen 3 Ptice kos, mi prosim pošljite fotko, kako ga nosite. Objavila jo bom na blogu (in na moji facebook strani) takoj ko bo mogoče.
Hello people! I have a bunch of photos of really cool people who wears 3 Ptice. In case you are here for the first time – 3 Ptice is a little brand of mine. I am the designer, maker, photographer, PR girl, model, actually everything behind it. It’s focused on eco friendly design. I recycle old clothes and old jewellry and make really cool accessories. I also paint on totes. You can buy my stuff on Etsy.
And this beauty here is Metka. She’s wearing 3 Ptice triangle necklace made of recycled jeans and chains (not recycled). She is a girlfriend of my classmate on Spiritual University. That classmate was lucky last year, he won 3 Ptice gift coupon in my giveaway and let his girlfriend pick the goodies. She decided to take this necklace and this tote (:
The picture was taken in the winter, that’s why she wears long sleeves (: Primož needed a few months to send me pictures and I needed another few months to edit and post the best one. But better late than never, ain’t? And now finally her presence here makes my blog more beautiful 😉
If you own a piece from 3 Ptice, please send me a picture of the way you style it. I’ll post it on my blog (and my facebook page) as soon as possible.
Zelo lepa verižica. Te še sploh videla nisem. (:
Hvala! Ja, ta je lani nastala (:
Al predlani (:
Res lepa verižica 🙂
Hvala! (: