Teden in pol nazaj sem bila s fantom in njegovim očetom dva dni v gorah. Šli smo na Krn (2244m). S hoja smo začeli pri Koči pri Savici (653m) ob desetih zjutraj in nato hodili cel dan s kratkimi postanki. Do zavetišča na Krnu smo prišli ravno še pravi čas pred temo. Pol minute in sonce je že zatonilo. Naslednji dan pa smo spet cel dan hodili nazaj do avta. Najtežji del pohoda sta bili zadnji dve uri. Hoja navzdol je težja kot navzgor. Cel izlet se nisem skorajda nad ničim pritožila, skoraj vsako minuto sem uživala, ampak ti zadnji dve uri pa sem bila prava cmera jera. Raje bi še enkrat prehodila vse ostale dele poti, kot pa hodila navzdol po tej Komni (1520m). Noge so me tako zelo bolele, da sploh več nisem čutila teže nahrbtnika. Prvič sem bila na tako dolgem pohodniškem izletu. In prav tako prvič nad 2000m nadmorske višine. Dejansko je bilo zelo lepo! Gore, cvetlice, nebo, metuljčki, gamsi v daljavi, občutek kot da sem na vrhu sveta… Res je bila lepote vredna bolečin 😉 Ampak mi je vseeno dovolj za kakšno leto 😉 ___ About a week and half ago was I in the mouintains with my boyfriend and his father for two days. We went to the mountain called Krn (2244m). We started walking at Koča pri Savici (653m) at 10 a.m. and were hiking the whole day with short stops. We came to the hut on Krn just the right time before the dark. A half of a minute and the sun was gone. The next day we were walking again almost a whole day to get back to the car. The most hard part of hiking were last 2 hours. Going down is harder than going up. I didn’t complain about a thing the whole trip, I enjoyed almost every minute of it, but last 2 hours I was a cry baby. I’d rather walk all other parts of tour again than walk down this hill called Komna (1520m). My legs hurted so much that I didn’t even feel the heavines of backpack on my shoulders anymore. It was the first time for me that I was on such a long hiking trip! And I was also for the first time in altitude above 2000m. It was actually really beautiful! Mountains, flowers, sky, butterflies, feeling like I’m on the top of the world… Beauty was worth the pain 😉 But I have enough of it for about a year 😉 Zadnji vzdihljaji sonca | | Last breath of the sun Stopnice do stranišča | | Stairs to the toilet Senca gore | | Shadow of the mountain Pogled z vrha | | View on the top of Krn Krnsko jezero | | Krn Lake
In the mountains: Krn, Slovenia
By Anita Pukšič Koren
Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com
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Po slikah se mi zdi precej znano. Zna biti, da sem že bila tu 🙂 sem bila že na toliko hribih, da ne vem, kako sem sploh še živa, ker vedno skoraj dušo spustim na poti na vrh 😀
Bravo! Ja zgleda, da duša kar noče it 😀
Kr fejst čudovito je tole. Moram večkrat it v hribe, damn.
Saj ti si že dovolj aktivna 😉
Super slike in čestitam. To pa je kar velik podvig 😀
Hvala! Ja, sem prav ponosna na sebe 😀
Če bi imela malo več hribovske kondicije, ne bi tako trpela (in rekla, da imaš za eno leto dovolj 🙂
Je pa res… ste vzeli kar dolgo turco in tista blesava pot s Komne se vleče vleče vleče.. sploh, ko si že utrujen, bljak.
Ti verjamem!
Ej res, ta Komna je ubijalska. Čeprav se dela nedolžno s senco in serpentinami.