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dsc09369_thumb-8404447dsc09380_thumb-7294838 (Blazer in ruta iz druge roke; H&M majica, torbica in hlače; Graceland čevlji) (Secondhand blazer and scarf; H&M tee, bag and pants; Graceland shoes) Žal mi je za slabo kvaliteto fotk. Tole sem imela oblečeno prejšnjo sredo. 10.11.2010. To je bil tudi dan, ko je moj brat dopolnil 23 let v tem njegovem življenju. Zato sva se z Juretom odločila, da mu narediva torto. Banana-čokolada. Praznovanje je super potekalo. Veliko smo se smejali! Tako sem srečna, ko vidim brata (in celo družino) srečnega. I’m sorry for the bad quality of the pictures. This is what I wore last Wednesday. On the 10.11.2010. That was also a day when my brother turned 23 years in this his life. So I and Jure decided to make him a cake. Banana-chocolate. The celebration went so great. We laughed a lot! I’m so happy when I see my brother (and whole family) happy. dsc09386_thumb-3602515 dsc09394_thumb-8128473

With Love,

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By Anita Puksic

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. fuuuul lepo!! :)) meni so zelo všeč ta družinska praznovanja, ko se vsi dobimo na kupu in uživamo…ravno to soboto bomo meli tako družinsko kosilo/žur, nono je imel rojstni dan… :))
    tako da komaj čakam torto, ker me je ob teh slikah pošteno zamikala :D:D
    pa ful dobre hlače!

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