“Love is a Decision”

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lsfbyanita252520487_thumb25255b125255d-3692269 Tole sem imela oblečeno včeraj, ko sva šla s fantom na pico. Imela sva obletnico. 5 let, yeah baby! Jap tudi meni se zdi noro dobro! Leto in pol nazaj je botrca rekla, da nama bo za peto obletnico podarila bon za čokoladno kopel, ampak je verjetno pozabila, meni pa jo je nerodno spomnit… Hmm.. Okay, moram it, se mi mudi! Wore this yesterday for a pizza with boyfriend! We had the anniversary. 5 years, yeah baby! Yep, I found it awesome too! Year and half ago my godmother said that we will get voucher for a chocolate bath for 5th anniversary, but she probably forgot and it feels too awkward to remind her… Hmm… Okay, gotta go, I’m in a hurry! lsfbyanita252520492_thumb-7085895 lsfbyanita252520483_thumb25255b125255d-8698276lsfbyanita252520495_thumb-3733982 lsfbyanita252520484_thumb25255b125255d-9462673lsfbyanita252520497_thumb-4700445lsfbyanita252520472_thumb25255b125255d-3363887lsfbyanita252520505_thumb-4547651

With Love,

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By Anita Puksic

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. anita@anitapuksic.com


  1. Men se zdi tale outfit eden iz med tvojih najnaj 😉 prov ko iz kašne tuje modne revije, res zakon 🙂 pa čestiiiiiitke za 5 let, noro dobr <3

  2. ehehehe evo mene nazaj, sem morala prist mimo malo podzravit… 😛

    vidim, da se maš krasno, kar tako naprej, čestitke za peto obletnico, to pa je dolgo :)) pa frizura nova (usaj zame), zelo lepa si 🙂

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