“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” -Confucius

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lsfbyanita252520773_thumb-2039368 Pozdravljen folk! Nov teden je! Upam, da boste vi in jaz naredili karseda najboljše iz njega! Pred pol ure sem pojedla večerjo in sem razmišljala, da bi si naredila kavo, tako da bi lahko še nekaj ur slikala, a mi je v roke prišla revije, kjer so bili napisani + in – kave in sem se odločila, da bom šla raje zgodaj v posteljo in si privoščila lepotni spanec. Na fotkah lahko vidite čudovit ovratnik s perlicami, ki mi ga je poslala bralka Kaja. Kul punca, da da tole stran in to zastonj! Hvala, Kaja <3 Na sebi sem ga imela, v četrtek, ko sem dedka peljala k zdravniku. Potem sem na hitro naredila par fotk, a nisem imela časa, da bi pofotografirala cel outfit, pardon… Bo jutri outfit post (: * * * Hello people! It’s a new week! I hope you and I will make the best out of it! 30 minutes ago I ate my dinner and I was thinking about making myself a coffee, so I could paint for another few hours, but then a magazine with an article about + and – about coffee came into my hand and so I decided that today I rather go to bed early and have some beauty sleep. On the pics you can see that great beads collar, that  a reader of Life.Style.Fun. named Kaja send me. Cool girl, for giving this away to me for free! Thank you Kaja <3 I wore it last Thursday, when I got to the doctor with my grandpa. I just took few photos of it then, didn’t have a time to picture the whole outfit, sorry… Tomorrow you’ll find an outfit post here (: lsfbyanita252520775_thumb-4147578

With Love,

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By Anita Puksic

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. anita@anitapuksic.com


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