The world is ____ .

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Pozdravljeni moji dragi Ljudje! Življenje je trenutno zaposleno.. ali pa sem jaz zaposlena z življenjem. Verjetno oboje. Ampak, sedaj rabim čas, da zapišem misli in ubesedim občutke. Morda ste opazili, da si ne vzamem ravno dovolj časa za blog zadnje čase. Ponavadi se počutim takole ‘Huh, zdaj moram res hitro naredit objavo.’ Ampak zdaj, no pravzaprav pred desetimi minutami, sem se odločila, da malo zapišem misli, ker če jih pišem, se od njih distanciram in potem bolje vidim, slika je širša  in bolj čista, dosti lažje vidim, kje sem.  To mi je všeč pri pisanju. Tako da sem si zdaj vzela čas za pisanje, ker ne glede na to, kako sem zaposlena, si lahko vzamem čas. Ni to noro?! Ampak kako si lahko vzamem čas, če ta, kot pravijo, ne obstaja? Še bolj noro, haha. Kako si ga lahko vzameš?.. Ustavi se. Za trenutek nehaj z razmišljanjem in gledaj, sliši, čuti, vohaj, okušaj Trenutek, v katerem Si. Če si vzameš čas za Trenutek vidiš, da je Čudovit. Ponavadi. Ali pa vedno, odvisno od načina gledanja. Svet je takšen kot smo mi. Ha! Ha! Počutim se že dosti bolj jasno, tako da bom končala s pisanjem, pa tudi delo me kliče in vesela sem klica. Tako da vas bom pustila s čudovitimi fotografijami. Ta svet je zame Nebesa! Fajn bodite in imejte radi sebe in druge! * * * Hello, my dear People! Life is busy for me lately.. or am I busy with life. Probably both. But now I need some time to expres my thoughts and feelings. You may noticed I don’t take myself enough time for blog lately. I almost always feel like ‘huh, i have to make a post really fast’. But now (actually, ten minutes ago) I decided it’s time to write down things a bit, because if I write, I see a distance between me and my thougts and then I can see better, the picture is wider and more clean, I can see where I am much better. That’s what I love about writing! So now I’ve take time for it, because no matter how busy I am, I can take time. Isn’t that amazing?! But how I can take something, that, they say so, doesn’t exist? Even more amazing, haha. How you can take it?.. Stop. Stop with thinking for a moment and watch, hear, feel, smell, taste the Moment you Are in. If you take a time for a Moment, you’ll see, it’s Beautiful! Most of the time. Or always, depends on a view. The world is as we are. Ha! Ha! I already see so much clearer I’ll finish with writing, work is calling me and I am happy about it. So I’ll leave you with beautiful pictures. This world is Heaven for me! Be good and love yourself and each other! life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520019_thumb-4410686 pics252520189_thumb-5445074 life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520013_thumb-9027589pics252520191_thumb-4298270life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520014_thumb-1535558pics252520200_thumb-1155887life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520018_thumb-8920400 pics252520205_thumb-4908100life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520020_thumb-1270586

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


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