(Vintage črtasta jopa; Two Way ruta; H&M torba; Pull&Bear pas; Oviesse jeans; Ali Star čevlji) (Vintage striped hoodie; Two Way scarf; H&M bag; Pull&Bear belt; Oviesse jeans; Ali Star shoes) Tole jopo sem našla v hiši, ko sem čistila sobo, ki je polna reči vseh sort. Ljubim to, da najdem takšne zaklade doma. Taka srečnica sem. Tako vesela sem, da živim v takšnem čudovitem svetu. V katerem lahko sanjaš in tvoje sanje lahko postanejo resničnost. Če si pogumen in delaš kar imaš rad in v to verjameš. Čeprav nekateri ljudje rečejo, da si v oblakih. Ampak dobro. Oni dosti vedo o življenju in realnosti. Toda ti morda veš, česar oni ne. Da resnično življenje ne pomeni samo bolečine, borbe, razočaranja, frustracij itd., resnično življenje je polno možnosti in izbereš lahko mir, ljubezen, svobodo, lepoto itd., ker imaš to vse v sebi. In če lahko to čutiš, lahko tudi vidiš. Nekateri ljudje tega ne vejo [čutijo]. Ampak še bodo. Vsi bomo. Tako da ljudje, poglejte zaklad v svojem srcu in se zavedajte kaj ste, kaj čutite, kaj lahko naredite. In toliko možnosti je, kaj početi, počnite kar vas osrečuje… Odprite svoj um in spoznajte, da ste darilo svetu in da je svet darilo vam. Kakšen čudež je življenje! I found ths hoodie in our house when I was cleaning a room which is full of all sort of things. I love that I can find such treasures at home. I’m such a lucky girl. I’m so glad that I live in such a wonderful world. Where you can dream and your dreams can come true. If you’re brave and you do what you love and believe into it. Even though some people say you’re walking on clouds. But it’s fine. They know a lot about life and reality. But maybe you know what they don’t. That real life doesn’t mean just pain, fight, disappointment, frustrations etc., the real life is full of choices and you can choose peace, love, freedom, beauty, etc., because you have all that in you. And if you can feel it, you can see it. Some people do not know [feel] that. But someday they will. We all will. So people, look at the treasure in your heart and be aware of what you are, what you feel, what you can do… And there is so much options of what to do, do what makes you happy… Open your mind and see that you’re the gift to the world and the world is a gift to you. What a miracle life is!
Oooo i like your hair colour!
thank you so much 🙂 cool sunglasses!
Se čist strinjam s tabo o tem, da je pomembno da v življanju sanjamo. In dejansko se izkaže, da mnogih sanj sploh ni tako težko uresničit:-)
what a great post! dreams do come true!
love your look, i'm such a sucker for stripes!
omg this is such a nice post
great word to hear/ read =)
and I totally love the striped top
very cool
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