Čeprav vreme zadnje čase ni ravno naklonjeno sončnim očalom, bo vas morda vseeno razveselila tale novička. V tednu ali dveh se namreč odpira nova spletna trgovina na www.O3.si, kjer si boste lahko izbrali sončna očala, ki so najbolj združljiva z vašim stilom in okusom. Poskrbljeno pa bo tudi za vse, ki potrebujete očala tudi kadar ni sonca 😉 In to po dostopnih cenah! Če pa kliknete na www.o3.si in se prijavite na mail listo boste takoj ob odprtju tudi obveščeni, obenem pa si boste prislužili 20% popust na prvo naročilo! Fino! Aja, pa še to, poštnina bo brezplačna! Da pa boste sproti obveščeni pa lahko O3 poklikate tudi na facebooku. Spodaj pa lahko vidite modele, ki so meni osebno najbolj všeč. Ta prvi model, Vespa v Rimu je oh in sploh čudovit! Komaj čakam, da se znajdejo v mojem nabiralniku! * * * Even though we currently don’t need sunglasses because of all those clouds and rain (at least in Slovenia), you might still be happy to know that there’s gonna be soon a new shop on world wide web where you could get them. In a week or two the store O3 will open and they are promising there is going to be something for every taste and style. Also, you won’t be dissapointed even if you need glasses when there’s no sun. And what they say about prices? They will be affordable. Plus, if you click on www.o3.si and enter your e-mail you’ll be noticed when shop opens and you’ll also receive 20% discount on your first order! Cool! Oh, did I mention that shipping is free worldwide? Follow them on facebook for more updates! Bellow you can see items that I like the most. The Vespa in Rome is gorgeous! Can’t wait to get them in my mail box! Vespa in Rome
Candy Apple
Light as feather
Totally Metro
I love the pink ones! I'm looking for new and cute sunglasses. Loving your blog 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
The pink ones are my second favorite (:
Thanks for the comment!
ooo i really like the Geo sunglasses, they're such a fun shape! I love quirky pieces like that. And thank you for all your wonderful support with my shop- that was so, so awesome of you!
xo Marlen
Messages on a Napkin
You're welcome! <3