“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” -William Pen

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 (vintage shorts; top was a gift from my mother-not-yet-in-law)
Hello, hello people! Have you been missing my outfit posts? Well, truth to be told, I somehow dress pretty boring lately. I work quite often in that shopping mall and there’s that air cooler 3m away for me, so I dress myself up like in winter, even when it’s hot outside. Tights, long pants, shirt and jumper are necessities, if I don’t want to shiver. When I dress up a bit more interesting, I usually forget to take pics or I don’t feel like it… 

I somehow miss those times, when I wore diferent outfit everyday and was always convincing my boyfriend to take pictures. And I was blogging way more often that I do nowdays. Yes, there’s still at least a post at week (most of the times) but I got way more to tell. I dunno. I have to make my blog a priority somehow. More short posts and a longer one once in a while. Sounds like a plan!

Okay, I want to let you know about my new collection of handpainted tote bags. It’s pretty cool. The theme is chakras and you can check them out in my Etsy shop. I love how awesome they look all together! I felt so much joy when I was painting them! And there’s something really special about them… To find out, go, check out descriptions!
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Pozdrav, pozdrav, folk! Ste pogrešali moje oblačilne oprave? No, po pravici povedano, se zadnje čase precej dolgočasno oblačim. Pogosto delam v nakupovalnem centru in sedim tam 3m stran od klime cel dan. Tako da se oblačim kot pozimi, tudi ko je zunaj vročina. Hlačne nogavice, dolge hlače, srajca in pulover so obvezni, če se ne želim tresti. Ko se pa malo bolj zanimivo oblečem pa ponavadi pozabim na fotkanje ali pa se mi ne da.
Včasih pogrešam tiste čase, ko sem vsak dan imela na sebi drugačen outfit in skozi gnjavila fantu, naj me fotografira. In blog sem tudi pogosteje pisala, kot ga danes. Ja, še vedno napišem vsaj eno objavo na teden (no, skoraj vedno) , ampak bi želela dosti več povedat, kot mi uspe. Ne vem. Nekak moram spet dat blog na prednostno listo. Več kratkih objav in sem pa tja kakšna daljša. No, to je že skoraj načrt!
No, moram še vam povedat za novo kolekcijo ročno poslikanih totic, ki mi jo je uspelo narediti ta teden. Meni je zelo všeč. Tema so čakre in lahko jo počekirate na 3ptice.com. Tako mi je fajn, ko jih pogledam vse na kupu. Pa tako sem uživala, ko sem jih ustvarjala, ah! In ja, nekaj na njih je čisto posebnega… da ugotovite kaj, pa počekirajte opise! Jap jap, to je taktika, taktika 😉 
In jaaa, včeraj je izšel nov izvod Navdihovalnice! Že peta številka, huhu! Prve povratne informacije so pozitivne! In ja, čisto mimogrede, junija je Navdihovalnica dobila dve novi naročnici, ženski, ki ju obe zelo občudujem in cenim. Ena je Iva Gruden, oseba, ki si je izmislila Ljubljananjam – gurmanske sprehode po Ljubljani (na moji wishlisti doživetij) in ki te dni praznuje že eno leto delovanja in presežena pričakovanja. Druga pa je Erika Felicijan, ženska, ki si je izmislila Artish in ki je definitivno zaslužna za to, da so se podobni sejmi namnožili po Sloveniji.
Ja, več o Navdihovalnici v tem zavihku, vi se pa le opogumite in se naročite! Mislim, da še nobenemu ni bilo žal! Boste videli, da veliko dobite, obenem pa še meni pomagate na moji poti uresničevanja sanj (in do zdravstvenega zavarovanja pa tople vode (še sreča, da je poletje)).

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com

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