Rada mam sonce. Rada mam dež. Rada mam sneg. Rada mam meglo (tako pravljična je, kajne?). WildCherry je na moj prejšnji post komentirala, da jaz verjetno nimam ‘bad weather day-a’, in uganite kaj, prav ima. No prav, se zgodi, da uide kakšna pritožba z mojih ust, kadar zmrzujem, ampak ponavadi ne krivim vremena, če moje razpoloženje ni dobro. Smešno je reči, da je vreme slabo. Vreme pač samo je. Enkrat sem gledala poročila in so objavili novico o neki naravni katastrofi. Ne spomnim se, ali je bil potres, vulkan ali poplave… Saj ni pomembno… Kazalo je ljudi, ki so govorili o tem, kako so izgubili hiše in te stvari… In med vsem tem je bila popolnoma mirna ženska, ki je povedala, da jo je narava osupnila s svojo močjo. In ona je osupnila mene! Kako je povedala to z ljubeznijo v glasu! Bilo je tako navdihujoče. I love sun. I love rain. I love snow. I love fog (it is so fairy, isn’t it?). WildCherry comment on my previous post that I probably don’t have a ‘bad weather day’, and guess what, she’s right. Okay, it might happen, that a complaint comes out of my mouth when I freeze, but most of the time I don’t blame the weather if I’m not in a good mood. It’s funny to say that the weather is bad, I think. The weather just is. I was once watching news and there was a report about some natural catastrophe, I don’t remember if it was a earthquake, a vulcano or floods… It doesn’t matter… There were people telling about how they lost their houses and these kind of things… And there was a woman which was totaly at peace and she said that she is amazed by the power of nature. And I was amazed by her! How she told that with love in her voice! It was so inspiring.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag8XcMG1EX4&feature=related 🙂
Dvignjen palec 😀