Hello, hello, folks! Today I’ll show you cool pics my girl Nina have sent me. Thank you, Nina! Some of you may remember her, she was already here at Life.Style.Fun. a few times. Nina is one of best buyers of my eco-friendly accessories known as 3 Ptice (3 Birds).This time she doesn’t wear any of my accessories, but she wears a maxi skirt that I have sewn for her. She asked me, if I could make it for and sent me this cool floral fabric and here it is. What you think? Also, she said I can keep the leftovers of the fabric (she’s awesome, isn’t she?), so expect a few cool products made of it soon. I already made a few scrunchies and one big pouch for my friend (:
Pozdravljeni, človečki! Danes vam bom pokazala fotke, ki mi jih je poslala Nina. Hvala, Nina! Mogoče se je spomnite, saj je že bila parkrat na Life.Style.Fun. Nina je ena izmed najbolj rednih kupcev mojih okolju prijaznih modnih dodatkov, znanih pod imenom 3 Ptice. Tokrat na sebi sicer nima nobenega mojega dodatka, ima pa maksi krilo, ki sem ga sešila jaz. Vprašala me je namreč, če ji ga lahko naredim in mi poslala to kulsko blago z drobnim cvetličnim vzorcem. In tukaj je! Kaj menite? Rekla mi je tudi, da lahko obdržim ostanke blaga (super punca, a?), tako da lahko kmalu pričakujete še kakšne fine izdelke s tem vzorcem. Sešila sem že par gumic za lase in pa veliko toaletko za prijateljico (:
Super krilo je, mi je zelo vsec.