(Juretova Converse majica; Tally Weijl pas; Fishbone kratke hlače; H&M torbica in nogavice; Ali Star čevlji) (Jure’s Converse T-shirt; Tally Weijl belt; Fishbone shorts; H&M bag and socks; Ali Star shoes)
(H&M majica, čevlji, nogavice in torbica; krilo vintage) (H&M tee; shoes, socks and bag)
Sedaj grem delat pecivo. Jure mi bo pomagal (: I’m going to make some pastry now. Jure will help me (:
prva slikca je prelepa!! :)) so aloe ne?
in zelo mi je ušeč outfit z zeleno majico, tako grungie in luštno… :))
How beautiful! This place is amazing. And your second outfit is gorgeous :)I like your polka dot skirt.
wow! love your bag!!!
i just bumped into your blog…and i love it!
Hvala Nina! Drugač pa ne vem, če so aloe, možno.
hude fotke z morja, kok pogrešam poletje 🙁
too cute
i freaking love your hair.
i've considered DYING my hair red. but how unnatural that would look….
red heads probably have more fun….
cute blog!
if you have the time visit our new blog!
Amazing pics! I loove your outits xx
3 slika oz outfit z zeleno majico je res kul:-)