Pozdravljeni dragi moji! Trenutno sem nezaposlena. No, tak je samo moj uradni status. Namreč, skozi si imam kaj za začet, tako da sem zaposlena, hehe. No, medtem ko iščem službo, sem ustvarjalna in tudi počasi dajem svoja ročna dela na etsy. Na spodnjih fotkah lahko vidite, kaj vse imam trenutno na zalogi v moji trgovinici na tem spletnem bazarju. Vsak izdelek je unikat in narejen skrbno in z ljubeznijo. Upam, da so vam všeč! Zelo bi bila srečna in hvaležna, če se odločite tale post ali mojo etsy trgovinico deliti tudi z drugimi! Hvala, hvala, hvala! <3 Če ima kdo željo po katerem izmed teh izdelkov, naj me kontaktira. Lahko pa se oglasite tudi s kakšnim naročilom za sliko po vaših željah. Ker se med drugim želim izuriti v slikanju portretov, so tudi naročila po teh dobrodošla. Namig: portret je lahko odlično darilo 😉 Plus, če ima kdo kakšen predlog, nasvet, spodbudno besedo, ponudbo za delo ali karkoli povezanega, ali pa tudi ne, z iskanjem službe, naj mi piše na anita.puksic@gmail.com ali pa pusti komentar spodaj. Hvala vam, da me spremljate, in ne pozabite bit srečni! * * * Hey guys! I am currently at the job market. While I am in the search of the job I also create things with my hands and I slowly putting them on etsy. You can see on the pictures bellow what do I have currently in stock at my etsy shop. Each item is unique and made with love and care. I hope you like them! I would be really happy and grateful, if you share this post or my etsy shop with others! Thank you, thank you, thank you <3 Thanks for reading and do not forget to be happy!
My art and my etsy shop and you
By Anita Pukšič Koren
Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com
View all of Anita Pukšič Koren's posts.
brezposelnost is the new coolness xD
ne se preveč sekirat, jaz se bom tudi pridružila kakor kaže … eh ja… super časi so! NOT.
Haha, kak sn kul 😀
Saj se ne sekiram, ker to mi res ne bo prineslo službe ;D
Drugač pa časi so super, samo znajt se je treba. In verjamem, da se lahko znajdem. Ti pa tudi! ((:
thank you:)
follow if you want to!
Wow kako lepe slike!!!
Hvala! (:
Res dobre slike!!
Hvala, Kristina! (: