Sedaj želim narediti kratek post. Upam, da mi ne bo vzel preveč časa, saj mojega dneva še ni konec. Zjutraj sem šla po nakupih z mamo. Bog, res nisem shopaholic. Pravzaprav sploh ne razumem teh ljudi. Vsa ta umetna razsvetljava v trgovinah… Zehala sem kot nora. Tako sem bila utrujena, ko sva prišli domov. Sranje. Ampak ni časa za spanje. Tole soboto imamo družinsko srečanje, tako da je skoz nekaj za delat. Čiščenje in urejanje hiše od dedka in babice. Ne skrbita ravno za čistočo, tako da je njuna hiša prava zmešnjava. In babica ima v soboto rojstni dan, tako da vas bom sedaj pustila s fotografijami in ji šla delat darilo, ker jutri verjetno ne bom imela časa za slikanje. Lep vikend vam želim. Mir! I want to make a quick post right now. I hope it wont takes me too much time as my day isn’t over yet. At morning I went in the shopping with my mum. God, I’m really not a shopaholic. In fact, I cannot understand these people. All that unnatural lighting in shops… I was yawning like crazy. I was so tired when we got home. Shit. But no time to sleep. We have family meeting this Saturday and so is always something to do. Cleaning and editing the house of grandma’ and grandpa’. They do not care a lot about cleanness, so their house is a mess. And my grandma is having a birthday on Saturday, so I’m going to leave you now with the pics and go make her a gift, because I probably will not have time for painting tomorrow. Have a nice weekend. Peace!
(Vintage blazer, ruta z druge roke; pepermint broška; neke vrste DIY majica; H&M torbica in trak; Oviesse jeans; Graceland čevlji, C&A pas) (Vintage blazer; secondhand scarf; pepermint brooch; some kind of DIY T-shirt; H&M bag and headband; Oviesse jeans; Graceland shoes; C&A belt) P.S.: Majica, ki jo imam oblečeno, ima gor fotko, ki sem jo jaz naredila. In pod njo sem napisala ‘I see Beauty in the world’ (: P.S.: The T-shirt I wear has the picture that I took on it. And I wrote ‘I see Beauty in the world’ below the picture (:
Woho, kul majica!
Kam si dala tiskat oz. kako si sčarala fotko na majico? 🙂
Cute outfit!
Maryjane xoxo
Škratek hvala!
Pri Big Bangu so mi natisnili (:
Wow!!! Super post dear, i like it)))
You very beautiful!!!
Ta frizura ti super paše. Tudi drugače je ena od mojih najljubših, ampak zanjo na žalost nimam dovolj dolgih las. 🙁
Kisses from France,
Olivia & Mariam
awesome outfit! im really enjoying your blog, keep up the good stuff and come visit me sometime!
I really like your tshirt!! I don't normally like shopping at the mall so I usually buy my clothes online. Much faster 🙂 xxoxoxoo
great shoes 🙂
youre adorable! i love your tee, and i love your hair in an updo too:)
xx raez
I love the blazer!!!!!
thanks so much for stopping by my page =)
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i was just about to tell you how much i adore the printscreen on your tee. amazing piece of work, dear.
Peter, you can. Even though I do not know what could be useful.