Inside all of us is a wild thing

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01. Saj nisem bila ziher. če bi delila tole sliko, saj ne zgleda tako dobro, kot bi želela. Ampak sem potem ugotovila, da mi je pri meni res všeč, da sem iskrena in da I keep it real. In zato sem jo objavila. Čeprav zgledajo moje noge nekako debelo na njej. No, tukaj so torej moje pajkice s kačjim potiskom. Ne vem, če je tole še vedno v modi, gotovo ni popularen kot leopard (5 let zapovrstjo, huh (enako tudi neti)), a saj veste, da se nič kaj ne obremenjujem s tem. S tem vzorcem imam čudno razmerje. Vedno mi je deloval več ali manj ceneno. In še mi vedno. Verjetno izgleda tako tudi na meni, hah. Ampak imam upanje, da se ne bom več tako bala kač, če ga bom nosila. Včeraj sem celo našla denarnico s kačjim potiskom v mamini omari. In že prestavila vanjo vse moje kartice.

02. Vidite ta čudovit brezrokavnik? Dobila sem ga od zelo prijazne bralke Petre. Dala mi je dve vreči rabljenih oblačil, ker je pomislila, da bi lahko jaz kaj naredila iz njih. Vidite, moj blog ni popularen, ampak teh nekaj bralcev, ki me spremlja, je fucking najboljših!

03. Aja, tale outfit sem imela na sebi par tednov nazaj, ko sva Mr. Fantom šla v kino gledat Hobita. Ki mi je bil zelo všeč. Ja, jaz sem navdušenka nad Tolkienom. Fant ni, ampak je dejal, da lahko greva, ker ve, da mi to zelo veliko pomeni. Ohhh <3

04. Obroč v laseh je moje delo. Naredila sem ga iz vintage filcastega krila. Dobite ga lahko tukaj ali na etsyju.

05. Na tumblrju imam nagradno igro, pričakujem vaše sodelovanje! 😉

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01. I wasn’t sure about sharing this picture as it doesn’t look as good as I would want it to. But then I figured out I love myself for being honest and keeping it real, and that’s why I share it. Even though my legs looks kinda fat here. So, these are my snake print leggings. I don’t know, if that print is still in fashion, it sure isn’t as popular as the leopard print (5 years in a row, huh (and the same with studs)), but you know, that I don’t care that much about that. I have strange relationship with this print. It always looked kinda cheap to me. And it still does. It probably also looks cheap on me, hah. But I hope I won’t be so scared of snakes anymore, if I wear it. Yesterday I even found a snake print wallet in my mum’s closet and I already switched my cards into it. 

02. See that beautiful vest that I’m wearing? I got it from my lovely reader, Petra. She gave me two bags of clothes, because she thought I could make something out of them. See, my blog is not popular, but those few readers that I have, are the fucking best!

03. Oh, I wear this outfit few weeks ago, when I went to the cinema with Mr. Boyfriend. We were watching The Hobit! And I loved it. Yes, I am Tolkien fan. My boyfriend is not, but he said we could go, because he knew that it would mean a lot to me. Ohhh <3

04. The headband is my own work. Made of vintage felt skirt. You can buy it here.

05. I run a giveaway on my tumblr, check it out!

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Tvoj stil je res edinstven in všeč mi je, da nisi "žrtev mode".
    Jaz verjetno ne bi imela poguma dati nase nekaj za kar sem prepričana, da družba ne bi sprejela – živim v majhnem mestu – zato mislim, da bi verjetno sprožila obsojajoče jezičke. Oh tako pač je. :))
    Res si zanimiva in tvoj stil je fascinanten !!!

    😉 ♡

    1. Ja, svoje najvišje petke obujem samo v res dobrih razmerah. Recimo v zelo suhem vremenu, ne na daljše razdalje in ne za dolgo :))) Drugače je vse skupaj trnova pot! Se mi pa zdi, da nižje petke zdaj bolj prevladujejo kot višje 🙂

      Obdrži še naprej svoj stil in fajn blog 😉

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