Od čudovite Wendy, ki ima blog black.coffee.crumbs_ sem dobila ‘7 stvari o meni’ nagrado. Sedaj že kakšen teden razmišljam kaj naj napišem. Hah. In še vedno nimam kakšnega jasnega plana 😀 Bom kar začela naštevat, pa bo že nekako… I got the ‘7 things about me’ award from beautiful Wendy who runs blog called black.coffee.crumbs_ . For a week or so am I thinking what should I write. Hah. I don’t have a clear plan yet. I’m just gonna start and we shall see… 1. Sem precej zavistna oseba. Želim si nekaterih stvari, potovanj, izkušenj, uspeha itd. in zavidam tistim, ki tole imajo. Ampak tem ljudem ne želim nič slabega, privoščim jim in jim želim vse najboljše… Samo, jaz bi tudi imelaaa! 😀 1. I am pretty envious person. I wish things, travels, experiences, success etc. and I am envious of those who have them. But I do not wish that something bad would happen to people who have what I want, the opposite, I am happy for them and I wish them all the best… It’s just ‘I waaant this, too!’ 😀 2. Trudim se stvari delat z ljubeznijo. Ne uspeva vedno, ampak vztrajam. Danes sem prvič letos kosila travo in moram reči, da mi je kar uspevalo. 2. I try to do things with love. It’s doesn’t always succeed, but I persist. Today I have been mowing the lawn for the first time in 2011 and I gotta say I was pretty successful. 3. Pogosto se izgubljam v dvomih o sebi, svojih odločitvah in sposobnostih. Postaja že dolgočasno, haha. Ne vem, morda pa me je strah uspeha in zato vztrajam pri tem kar mi je znano? 3. I lose myself in doubts about me, my decisions and abilities often. It’s becoming boring, haha. I don’t know, maybe am I afraid of success and that’s why I persist by what is known to me? (DIY torbica; vintage pikčasta majica in kratke hlače; H&M jopa in hlačne nogavice; Graceland čevlji) (DIY bag; vintage dotted top and shorts; H&M cardigan and tights; Graceland shoes) 4. Zelo rada jem, ampak se mi pogosto zdi hrana takšna izguba časa, da si včasih želim, da mi ne bi bilo treba jest. Mislim, vsa ta priprava… 2 uri delanja kosila, ki se poje v 20-ih minutah… 4. I love eating, but often food seems such a waste of time, that I sometimes wish I would not need to eat. I think, all that preparing… 2 hours of making a lunch that is eaten in 20 minutes… 5. Sem polna idej, manjka pa mi volje. 5. I am full of ideas, but I’m lacking the will. 6. Srečna sem, da sem v svoje življenje vnesla meditacijo. Sicer ni vedno kaj ekstra, ampak je vseeno tako fajn, ko um postane tišji… 6. I’m happy that I bring meditation into my life. It’s not always something special, but is so good when mind become a little more silent… 7. Verjamem v Boga in moram reči, da je zelo pomemben del mojega življenja. Hmm… pravzaprav najbolj pomemben, glede na to, da verjamem, da je vse in smo vsi del Boga. V cerkev ne hodim… Morda parkrat letno. Ni ravno moja skodelica čaja, saj Boga ne omejujem na krščanstvo. 7. I believe in God and is really important part of my life. Hmm… it’s the most imporant as I believe everything and everyone is part of God. But I don’t go into church… Maybe twice or so per year. It’s not my cup of tea, because I do not reduce God on Christianity. Nagrado predajam | | I’m passing award to : What are you looking at Sobotno dopoldne RUNNING IN MY HEELS DRAMA IN MY HEAD FASHION FLY F-BLOG XOXO Parisky wild cherry temptations Lida’s likes bravegrrl
I see your blue colour and 7 things about me
By Anita Pukšič Koren
Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com
View all of Anita Pukšič Koren's posts.
Oh you look adorable.Great post!
Cute outfit and pics, very nice!
xoxo Robine
i love ur sunnies..and the happy pictures
Ooo, hvala za nagrado! 🙂 Všeč mi je, iskreno in fajn si napisala…
Moram zdaj še jaz malo premislit. 😀
Zelo so mi všeč slikce na stopnišču, so mi všeč taki kamniti elementi poraščeni z zelenjem, haha, če sem se razumljivo izrazla. XD
Pa še luštno, sveže, pomladansko napravljena, super.
Lep vikend! 😀
Hvala za tole malo nagradico:) bom se potrudila napisat kaj zanimivega v naslednjih dneh. Drugače pa si super napisala, sem se kdaj kar kje našla 😀 sploh tisto z motivacijo in zavistjo! ugh, treba bo uvest neko samodisciplino, i guess :S
i love all your photos… your outfit is fun and the flowers are so pretty 🙂 i love wild flowers 🙂
great post!!!
oooooo hvala beba ***
itak da bom napisala nekaj o sebi wuiiii :)))
Hvala za nagrado in za to, da si me nanjo opozorila na mojem blogu! Res iskreno hvala 🙂
Ko sem prebrala 7 stvari o tebi, mi je bila najbolj nenavdana ta, da tako odkrito pišeš o sebi, svojih strahovih in dvomih. Pogumna stvar 😉
Res sem počaščena in presenečena nad nagrado… hvala.
WildCherry: Jaa, jaz moram tudi uvest samodisciplino, nujno!
Irena: Se veselim branja (:
Soffy: Fajni blog imaš, tak da si zaslužiš nagrado! (:
Hvala, da praviš, da je moja odkritost pogumna stvar (: Se zdaj počutim dodatno opogumljeno, da rešim svoje težave (:
number 7 is the best
I believe in God too =)
btw love the polka dot top
Torej, hvala za nagrado, ponoč bom pa razmišljala kaj naj napišem, da bo vsaj pol tako dobro kot je tvoje! :))
In ja, super outfit, najbolj všeč mi je torbica zaradi vseh teh barv. Super!
U, Ela, hvala hvala 😀 Verjamem, da bo dobro prav tako kot moje, samo, da bo iskreno (:
najlepša hvala beba, bom odgovorila v najkrajšem času(trenutno sem malček izven blogerskega vesolja:)