“I'm not an artist I'm a fucking work of art.” –Marilyn Manson

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life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520098_thumb-1948594Zdravo, čudoviti ljudje! Kako ste? Že depresivni ali še optimistični glede novega leta? Ali že celo tako v rutini, da ste pozabili, da je novo leto? 2012 je, woohooo, tole leto sem že leta čakala, haha, in zdaj je tu, yeah baby, apokalipsa zdaaaj! 😀 Dobro, zresnimo se… Res sem optimistična glede celega leta, ne samo glede vse te apokalipse, haha, ampak tudi glede svojega življenja. Verjetno zato, ker se zdaj dobro počutim, v tem trenutku. In ker imam veliko teh trenutkov zadnje čase. No, itak sem preveč zaposlena, da bi imela čas za depresijo, haha. Skoraj ves čas imam čopič v rokah… Če sem iskrena, sem včasih precej utrujena in mi je žal, ker nimam časa za vse ostale reči, ki jih rada počnem. Ampak za vse tako nikoli nisem imela časa. In obožujem barve in čopiče in ves ta magičen jazz, ki ga (ali nekaj skozi mene) ustvarjam s svojimi rokami. Tako da sem srečna. Pa še v stiku sem z vsemi temi čudovitimi magičnimi ljudmi, ki mi povzročajo širjenje srca… Jep, res sem srečna oseba in tega se zavedam. Lahko bi vam zaželela kaj za vaše osebne sage v 2012, a? Želim vam, da bi gledali na svet kot da je vse čudež… Takšen način gledanja dela čudeže, ziher. Einstein je že vedel. * * * Hello beautiful people! How are you? Already depressed or still optimistic about new year? Or even so into routine that you forgot i’s a new year? It’s 2012 woohoo, I’ve  been waiting this year for years, haha, and now is here, yeah baby, apocalypse noooow! 😀 Okaay, get serious now… I am really optimistic about all this year, not only about whole apocalypse thing, haha, but about my life too. Probably, because I feel good now, in this moment. And because I have many many of these moments lately. I’m too busy to have time for depression anyway, haha. Having brush in my hands almost all the time… To be honest, sometimes I feel tired and sorry for myself because I don’t have time for all the other stuff I love to do, but I never had time for everything anyway. And I love colours and brushes and all that magical jazz that I am (or something through me is) creating with my hands. So I’m happy. And I am in touch with all those beautiful magical people who makes my heart expanding… Yeah, I’m really lucky person and I know it. I shall wish you something for your 2012 personal saga, ain’t? I wish you, too look at the world like everything is a miracle… This point of view makes miracles, for sure. Einstein knew it. life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520105_thumb-1561013 Dobro. Bolj redko govorim o svojih oblačilnih opravah, ampak zdaj bom dala tudi temu priložnost. Veste, jaz sem kot slavne blogerke, toliko oblačil dobim zastonj 😀 Samo ne od firm, od ljudi! Od vseh teh stvari, ki jih vidite na meni, nisem ničesar kupila. Razen spodnjega perila, a ga ne vidite. No, gremo od glave do pet. Kapo sem dobila od Juretove mame (ne še tašče :D). Že leta je ležala v predalu v njihovi hiši. Pa še čisto moj stil je, jupi! Tole črno jopo sem pravtako dobila od nje. Kot božično darilo. In pravtako kot rojstnodnevno darilo, haha, ker mi takrat ni nič dala. Kul kos je, zelo mi je všeč, da jo lahko nosim na različne načine. Srajca z rožastim potiskom (moja najljubša) je bila najdena v naši ali pa v babičini hiši, ne vem Vintage Mura. Krilo. Prva stvar za obleči, ki mi jo je Jure kupil, poletje 2007. Na ta dan, sem mu prvič povedala, da ga ljubim <3 In zraven jokala. Seveda mu nisem tega rekla zato, ker mi je kupil krilo, ne povezujte tega na ta način, folk! Pajkice so zadnji oblačilni kos, ki mi ga je kupil, poletje 2011. Čevlji. Original Converse. Celo življenje že nosim fake allstarke. In vedno sem vedela, da če bom kdaj imela originalne, ne bom nič plačala za njih. In seveda sem jih dobila zastonj. Prijateljica Barby mi jih je dala po samo dveh nošnjah, ker je ugotovila, da so ji prevelike. Yaay! Barby je bila pravtako dekle za fotoaparatom za tale post. In ona mi je pokazala verz za naslov. Aja, fotke so lanske, kak teden stare. Madona. toliko sem napisala o svojih oblačilih! Vsi intelektualci bojo mislili, da sem plehka, oh ne! Ma ja, saj verjetno ne berejo tega bloga, tako da je vse vredu 😀 * * * Ookay. I rarely talk about my outfit so I’ll give it a chance now. I’m like a famous bloggers, you know, I get so many free clothes 😀 But not from brands, from the people! Of all these things you see I didn’t buy a thing. I bought only underwear and you don’t see it. Okay, let’s get from head to toe. I got the hat from Jure’s mother (my not yet mother in law :D). It was lying in some drawer in their house for years. And it’s totally my style, yeah! That black cardigan thing I also got from her. As a Cristmas gift. And also as a birthday gift, haha, as she didn’t give me anything back then. It’s a cool piece, I love how that I can wear it in diferent ways. The floral print shirt (it’s my fav) was found somewhere in our house or in grandma’s, don’t know. It’s vintage Mura, the brand that was big in Slovenia and whole Yugoslavia back in the days. It still exist, but it’s a kind of a story that could be better, so I won’t tell it now. The skirt. It was the first clothing piece bought for me by Jure, summer 2007. On that day I told him for the first time that I loved him. <3 And I cried. Okay, I didn’t told him that, because he bought me a skirt, don’t connect this this way, people! Leggins are the last clothing piece he bought me, summer 2011. Shoes. Original Converse. For whole my life I wore fake chucks. And I knew if I’ll ever wear original I won’t pay for it. And so I got them for free, of course. My friend Barby gave them to me. She wore them twice and figured out they’re too big for her. Yaay! Barby was also the girl behind the camera for this outfit post. And she showed me the verse that’s in the title. And pictures were taken last year. One week or so ago. Omg, I wrote so much about my clothes! All the intelectuals will think I’m shallow, oh no! Okay, they probably don’t read my blog, so everything is fine 😀 life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520103_thumb-2953257 Tako dolg post. Veste, ponavadi imam kratke poste, ker se držim nazaj, da ne nastane tole! Ali še kaj daljšega. Such a long post. You know, that’s why I usually write short posts, because I’m holding myself back from this! Or something even longer.  life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520100_thumb-5129571life-style_-fun_-by_-anita252520104_thumb-3474045

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com


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