Pozdravljena dekleta in fantje! Odločila sem se narediti nekaj sprememb v mojem življenju in res uživam na tem potovanju in se dobro počutim. Čeprav se moja mama ne. Zdaj skorajda ne govori z mano. Od nje nisem pričakovala odobravanja, ampak to pa je malo preveč. Se vam ne zdi? Hah. Ampak ne grem na staro pot zaradi nje. Nočem početi stvari, ki jih sovražim, zato da bi ljudje lahko rekli, da sem normalna. Celo življenje sem se trudila biti normalna in kot vsi ostali, ampak me to ni naredilo srečno. Zato sem se odločila biti to, kar resnično sem, kar čutim, da sem, čeprav bodo nekateri ljudje (vključno z mojo mamo) mislili, da sem nora. Rekla je, da bom videla, da ima prav. Ampak me ne skrbi, če pride do tega. Če se izkaže, da imam narobe, ker sledim svojemu srcu, lahko še vedno pojem svoj ponos in ji priznam, da je imela prav, ampak bom vedela, da sem vsaj poskusila. In to šteje. Ampak čutim, da bo vse v redu, ker že je v redu (: Hey girls and boys! I decided to do some changes in my life and I really enjoy on this journey and feel very good about it. Even though my mother doesn’t. She almost doesn’t speak with me now. I didn’t expect approval from her, but that’s a little too much. Don’t you think? Hah. But I won’t go on my old way because of her. I don’t want to do things that I hate just because then people could say I’m normal. I was trying to be normal and like everybody else for whole my life, but that didn’t make me happy. So I decided to be what I really am, what I feel that I am, even though some people (including my mom) will think I’m crazy. She said that I will see, that she is right. But I do not care if that happens. If it turns out that I’m wrong because I follow my heart, I still can eat my pride and tell her that she was right, but I will know that I tried. And that counts. But I feel that everything is going to be alright because it already is (: (Vintage jopa in pas; H&M torbica; Oviesse kapa; Passiontex jeans; Stradivarius plašč; Skechers ščornji) (Vintage cardigan and belt; H&M bag; Oviesse hat; Passiontex jeans; Stradivarius coat; Skechers boots)
Danes bi bil atov rojstni dan, če bi še živel. Okay, vem, da še živi ampak v drugačni obliki. Tako da sem mu naredila darilce: Today would be my father’s birthday, if he were still alive. Okay, I know he lives but in different form. So I made him a little gift:
I love the outfit, and the trees in the backdrop. Nice. Come see me too when you have time.
kako lepa bučka:)
Pridna. Ostani še naprej takšna, kot si, kakorkoli klišejsko se to sliši.
i love the present you made your father! it is beautiful!