(Picture via Blogging Fear) Vem da je to blog o osebnem stilu, ampak moram z vami deliti tole zelo uporabno informacijo! Vem, da vas ima veliko svojo trgovinico na Tictailu, In morda se sprašujete isto, kot sem se jaz spraševala tole jutro. Kako naj dam na svojo trgovinico okence za naročila, da bo potem tole naročilo poslano na moj e-poštni naslov? Seveda hočem željen rezultat hitro, brez da bi se cel dan izgubljala v iskanju in urejanju HTML/CSS kod (kot se je že nemalokrat zgodilo). Če se še slučajno niste vprašali tega, naj vam povem, zakaj rabite tole okence: ker nimajo vsi svojega Paypal računa! (ali pa nimajo denarja na njem). V tem obrazcu pa lahko ponudite ostale načine plačila, ki so pri vas na voljo. No, tole okence je res enostavno inštalirat. Jaz sem ga pravkar namestila na 3ptice.com (vidite ga na dnu strani). Preprosto pojdite na https://www.emailmeform.com, se vpišite in si izberite ter oblikujte zaželjeno podobo obrazca. Super stvar je, da lahko preimenujete imena polj, če jih želite npr. v slovenščini. Nato vse shranite in si skopirajte kodo v sekciji ‘HTML with Javascript/CSS’. Nato odprite svojo Tictail trgovinico. V zgornjem desnem kotu kliknite na ‘Edit design’. Pokazalo vam bo vašo trenutno temo. Kliknite na ‘</>’ (levo od ‘your current theme’). Nato kliknite Ctrl+F, da se vam odpre okence za iskanje. Vanj vpišite #about_page in stisnite Enter. Našlo vam bo tole {{#about_page}} (v vrstici označeni s številko 890 oz. nekje tam, vsaj tako je bilo pri moji temi). HTML codo obrazca prilepite nad to vrstico. Stisnite na ‘Preview’, da preverite kako zgleda in potem shranite s ‘Save’. Nato izpolnite obrazec, da vidite če deluje! V zastonjski verziji vas lahko preko tega obrazca kontaktira 100 oseb na mesec. Zaenkrat dovolj za mene! Res upam, da vam bo ta kratek tutorial pomagal! Prosim povejte mi, če vam je prišel prav. Če pa imate kakšno vprašanje, pa kar na dan z njim, bom vam pomagala po svojih najboljših močeh! ___ I know this is style blog, but I just had to share this really useful information with you guys! I know many of you have a tictail store and you might be asking yourself the same question as I did this morning. How to quickly set up contact or order form for buyers which will deliver the message into your e-mail account, without losing the whole day searching for the right CSS/html code, editing it and bla bla bla? In case you didn’t ask yourself this yet I’ll tell you why is good to have it in your Tictail store: because not everybody has a Paypal account! In this form you can offer your costumer other payment and shipping options. Well it’s really easy to install the form! I just made it in my store 3 Ptice (Slovene version of my store, my internetional shop is here on Etsy), scroll to the bottom of the page to see it. You just go to https://www.emailmeform.com, sign in and choose and edit a form as you wish. The cool thing is you can name fields in your own language. Then save it. Then copy the code in ‘HTML with Javascript/CSS’ section and copy it. Open your tictail store. In upper right corner clik on ‘Edit design’. It will show you your current theme. Click on ‘</>’ (left from your current theme). Click ctrl+f to open a find box. Write in #about_page and click enter. It will find you this: {{#about_page}} (the number on the left is around 890 or so, so it was in my theme at least). Place your HTML code above it and paste it. Click on ‘Preview’ to see if it works and then click ‘Save’ Then try the form to make sure it works! In a free version a 100 person per month can contact you via this form. Enough for me, at least for now! I really hope that this short tutorial will help you! Please let me know! And if you have any questions I’ll try my best to help you!