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10 Day Journaling Challenge

What’s challenging about it?

Well, I challenge you to do all the exercises and still feel shitty about your life 😂🤦

No, but really.

You will receive 10 emails, with all together 10 journaling exercises. Some emails are super short, some of them a tiny bit longer (in case I share my personal stories).

Each one contains journaling prompts. Some journaling exercises will be easy on you, and some will propel you to go deeper.

However, the tone of the whole challenge is light and fun. It’s up to you to decide how deep you want to go.

High On Life
Why journaling?

Because journaling is like a free therapy. You need notebook and ink (or computer) and that’s it. Whenever I sit down and write for 15 minutes, I get an insight / figure something out / get a sense of relief / get a sense of clarity / connect with my true self / all of it. And more.

Why 10 days?

It feels like a good timeframe to see some changes. You will get emails with exercises for 5 days, then you will have two days off (you can repeat some exercises or do some you left out in this time) and then you will get emails with exercises again.

Why is called High On Life?

Because that feeling you get when you get an insight / breakthrough / transformation / connect deeper with yourself is a bit like getting high, but way much better. You feel alive, connected to Life, one with it, loved by it, and that’s the best feeling ever. You feel yourSelf and it feels divine.

Why you want to participate in this journaling challenge?

In a few years, you will come across the notes you made during this challenge.

You will see what you managed to put into practice, what have you embodied. You will see where your efforts have borne fruit. All thanks to your courage to finally put these things on paper.

You will also recognize your timeless wisdom and identify the things you need to remember often in your life to live in harmony with your true Nature.

You will discover your own recipe for happiness!