Jap, včeraj sem obrnila svoje 22. leto. In sedaj imam ta trenutek, veste, ko gledam leto, ki je minilo… In sem hvaležna… Ja, doživela sem veliko padcev v tem letu… ampak tudi veliko vzponov. Doživela sem mnogo stvari, nekatere želje so se mi uresničile, naučila sem se mnogo stvari (o sebi, o svetu, kako se naredi razne reči…), prebrala mnogo odličnih knjig in ustvarila veliko čudovitih stvari. In lahko rečem, da sedaj bolje vem, kaj hočem, česa sem sposobna (vedno več kot mislim), vem, da sem močna oseba, in da zmorem doseči velike stvari. Hvala vsem za vašo podporo na moji poti! <3 Vedno mi da moč, da nadaljujem svojo stvar. * * * Yep, I turned 22 yesterday. And I have that moment now, you know, when I’m looking at year that passed… And I’m grateful… Yes, I have lots of downs in that year… but there was also lots of ups. I’ve experienced many things, some of my wishes became true, I learnt many things (about myself, about world, how to do diferent stuff…), read many great books and created lots of beautiful things. And I can say, that I know better now, what I want, what I am capable of (always more than I think), I know, that I am strong person and that I can achieve great things. Thank you for all your support on my way! <3 It always gives me more strenght to do my thing.
DIY prstan. Kamen je snežinkasti obsidijan. Naprodaj v Life.Style.Fun.Shop. | | Diy ring. The stone is snowflake obsidian.
(Vintage majica; vintage/DIY kratke hlače; pegice in torbica iz druge roke; Graceland čevlji) (Vintage top; vintage/DIY jeans shorts, secondhand tights and bag; Graceland shoes)
DIY jeans kratke hlače s čipko. Navodila za izdelavo lahko vidite tukaj. | | DIY lace jeans shorts. Here you can see the tutorial.
oh, henry! verižica. Jo zelo pogosto nosim! | | oh, henry! necklace. I wear it very often!
Vse najboljše pikica! Čudovita si in kak lep prstanček maš!!! xx
Hvala, hvala, hvala! :**
Vseeee najboljše + še veliko ustvarjalnih trenutkov :)!
Vse naj naj! Najlepš si pa zahvalo napisala, ane. Res! =)
oooh, kako lepo! cestitam za rojstni dan!! 🙂
vse najboljše anita!! :))
Hvala vam, dragi moji! <3
The retro print top is so funky!
You style is wonderful! I love that shirt
♥ Leigh
Happy b day,honey!Cheers to many more to come;) I looove the shirt and the way you styled it with denim shorts;)