Zjutraj na 20. rojstni dan | | In the Morning on my 20th Birthday
Čudovita vrtnica, ki mi jo je podaril Jure <3 | | A beautiful rose which Jure gave me <3
Večino fotografij naredila jaz, ovci na smrekici in modrega metulja fotografiral Jure | | Pictures taken by me, mostly, sheep on the Christmas tree and the blue butterfly taken by Jure Lep vikend vam želim! Have a nice weekend!
Vse najboljše in še veliko oblačilnega navdiha! 🙂
Vse naj naj!! Želim ti veliko sončnih dni v srcu in novih modnih inspiracij!:)
Hvala obema! (:
Heyss 😀
Have a happiest BIRTHDAY and a blessed one! Aww, nothing beats a rose on birthdays from loved ones 🙂
ps: try not to think too much like i always do too, have been trying to stop that as it has been doing no good in my life, both our lives 🙂
You ARE a talented young woman, i mean look at those DIYs in your blog, now that's a strong point you got there, keep on believing, and keep on saying that you CAN, cos you really CAN do it 😉 Nothing can stop you from excelling except yourself 😉
Much love,
z zamudo…ampak vse naj naj!