Galebe fotografirala jaz, ostalo prijateljica Saša | | Pictures of gulls taken by me, other pictures taken by friend Saša (Vintage pulover; Oviesse kapa; šal iz druge roke; H&M torbica in čevlji; Passiontex jeans; plašč Sweet Miss) (Vintage sweater; Oviesse hat; secondhand scarf; H&M bag and shoes; Passiontex jeans; Sweet Miss coat) Danes sem bila v mestu s prijateljico Sašo. Šli sva jest v kitajsko restavracijo in potem me je fotografirala. Saša je ena izmed rednih bralcev mojega bloga. In všeč so ji stvari, ki jih delam. Vesela sem da obstaja! (: Moj plan za preostanek dneva je: pogledati epizodo Weeds, prepevati z dedkom, iti na sprehod s Tamaro, zapisat stvari, ki jih želim pustiti v 2010 in kaj želim doseči v 2011… Today was I in the city with my friend Saša. We got a lunch in Chinese restaurant and then she took pictures of me. She is one of the constant readers of my blog. And she likes stuff I do. I’m grateful she exist! (: My plans for the rest of this day are: watching one episode of Weeds, singing with grandfather, going for a walk with Tamara, writing down things I wanna leave in 2010 and what I want to accomplish in 2011…
beautiful photos-happy NY!!!
enter my giveaway if you like 🙂
The light is beautiful in these photos!
Happy New Year!
happy new year!))
love the pulover! hud!