Pozdravljeni. Vikend sem kar dobro preživela, čeprav sem bila v soboto izčrpana, saj smo v petek jaz, Jure in trije tovariši šli na koncert od Murata in Jose, in sem se vstala iz postelje po treh urah in pol spanja. Ampak mi je nekako uspelo ostati budna cel dan. Za babico sem narisala angela, s pasteli. Kar dobro zgleda. Moja mama je celo sanjala o njem, hah. Na naslednjih fotkah pa lahko vidite moj zadnji DIY. Krilca. Inspiracija je preprosto prišla v glavo. Mogoče imajo angeli ali pa Hermes prste vmes. Narejena so iz starih kavbojk, elastike in pobarvana z barvami za tekstil. Če jih kdo želi, mu jih z veseljem naredim, za enih 10 evričev. Seveda jih lahko naredite tudi sami, a mi prosim povejte in povejte drugim od kod vam ideja (link) (: Krilca so naletela na odličen odziv. Juretov prijatelj mi je celo zapel ‘Lahko bi zletela in ujela svoje sanje, lahko bi se dvignila na njih vse do neba’ :D Hey guys. My weekend went pretty well. Even though I was exahusted on the Saturday, because I, Jure and three comrades went to the concert of some Slovenian rap band at Friday and I got out of bed after 3 hours and half of sleep. But I somehow managed to stay awake whole day. For grandma I drew an angel, with pastels. It came out pretty well. My mom was even dreaming about it, hah. So, here is my latest DIY. Feathers. Inspiration just came into my head. It might have angels or Hermes something to do with it. They are made of some old jeans, elastic and coloured with textile colours. If you want them I would love to make them for you for about 10€. Of course you can make them yourself too, but then please tell me and link to this post (: The feathers got great response. Friend of Jure even sang me part of song which talks about flying and catching your dreams 😀
Fotografirala je Tamara | | Pictures taken by Tamara (DIY krilca; Oviesse kapa in jeans; vintage pulover; Pull&Bear šal; Graceland čevlji) (DIY feathers; Oviesse hat and jeans; vintage sweater; Pull&Bear scarf; Graceland shoes)
Vedno ko gledam tvoje fotke si mislim: "Tale punca pa ma jajca!" 🙂
amazing!!!…great idea
what a lovely post!!! i just came across your blog and i have to say i loved it! i went back all your posts… it's amazing!!! your style is incredible!!! check out my blog too… if you like it follow me and i promise i'll do the same..;)))
you're sooo cute!!!! what an awesome idea. i'll have to try it sometime and link a picture back to you:)
sincerely, M
Kako kul krila! Bolj izvirnega DIY še nisem videla! 🙂
Vaauuu,genialno. Ideja je tako močna, da lahko postane trend 😀
Čajanka: ;D Hah, to bi bilo pa res zabavno:D Hvala!
Škratek: Razen ko jih nimam (: Hvala!
Andrea: Me veseli! Hvala (:
what a cute diy – you look like youre having so much fun with it! x
Those feathers are so weird … I kind of like them. 🙂
the feathers are so cool
I love them =)
Love you sweater, great color! wherever you are looks beatuiful!