Danes zjutraj sem se zbudila tako srečna, da sem začela spraševati, če je morda kaj narobe z mano. Resno 😀 Tukaj je torej par fotk iz mojega jutra. I was so happy when I woke up today that I started wondering if there’s something wrong with me. True story 😀 So, here are few pictures of my morning.
In ja, včeraj sem si naredila račun na tumblrju (in sem že zasvojena), tako da vam priporočam, da me tudi tam spremljate. Fajn se imejte! And guys, I’ve made myself an account on tumblr just yesterday (and I’m already addicted), so make sure to follow me there too. Be good!
waaa kašne krasne fotke!! <3 uživaj te krasne dneve še naprej!! =)
Hvala Mancina! Tudi ti uživaj na polno!
Tudi mene je danes napolnila posebna energija ker sem se cel dan počutila neverjetno 🙂 naj traja!
Jaaa, naj traja!
lovely details!
hello gorgeous 🙂 cute images, very creative!! would you maybe like to follow each other? this would be aaawesome 🙂
cute bag… hope you have a lovely weekend too!