V nedeljo sma šla z Juretom na road trip. Ustavila sva se v Veliki Nedelji in nato na sladoledu v Ormožu. Ko sva se sprehajala skozi mestece, so naju ljudje na ulici kar pozdravljali! Zelo prijazno (: Obožujem najine cestne izlete. (Na fotografijah je samo Velika Nedelja, ker je potem crknila baterija). Drugače pa sem kar zaposlena z zabavnimi in ne tako zabavnimi rečmi, heh. Ampak se super počutim ta teden. Ta ‘sanje se lahko uresničijo’ občutek, veste. Čeprav se mi nič kaj takšnega ni zgodilo. Še. Ampak se počutim, kot da se je in to je prav tako zelo fajn. O, haha, danes sem na ulici našla hitro srečko. Pomislila sem ‘Hmm, to se ne zgodi kar tako, ziher bom kaj zadela…’ Ampak nisem 😀 Kakorkoli, zabavajte se! * * * On Sunday I and my love Jure went on a road trip. We stopped in village Velika Nedelja (translation: ‘Big Sunday’, hehe) and the next stop for an ice-cream and walk was Ormož, a small town near the state border with Croatia. While we were walking through the town almost everybody saluted us! So kind! (: I love our road trips! (On the pictures is only Velika Nedelja, because battery died.) On the other hand I’m keeping myself busy with fun and not so fun things, heh. But I feel great this week. That ‘dreams can come true’ feeling, you know. Even though nothing like that happened, yet, but I feel like it did, and that is also very cool. Oh, haha, I found scratch ticket today on the street. I thought ‘Hmm, that doesn’t happen everyday, I’m sure going to win something…’ But I didn’t 😀 Anyway, have fun! (Zara oblekca; H&M čevlji in torbica) (Zara dress; H&M bag and shoes) Oldskul. Dobesedno. 😀 | | Old school. Literally. 😀 Fotografirano skozi sončna očala | | Picture taken through sunglasses
“Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do.” -John Wooden
By Anita Pukšič Koren
Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out. anita@anitapuksic.com
View all of Anita Pukšič Koren's posts.
jeej čopek gre totalno hudo z oblekico! =) Prou na pikonogavičko si me spomnila na teh fotkah.. hihi v DOBREM smislu da ne bo pomote ;)) Pa še s fantom sta bla barvno usklajena.. kva češ lepšga ;))
Oo, hvala hvala! Da spominjam na piko nogavičko je zame vedno pozitivna pohvala 😀
Sem že enkrat pisala o tem:
Ej, pa to se nama večkrat zgodi, da sma barvno usklajena, čist tak nenamerno! Ful fajn res! (:
Hehehe…Anita je lepa na slikah je in ker čopek ima ji pravimo da pikanugovička da je… XD Hahahahahahahaha.
Malo heca. 😀 Res si lepa, meni je tko ušeč tista druga slika, ko si na stopnicah! 🙂 Takoj bi mela na sebi to kar imaš ti…
😀 😀
En velik hvala! :*
so beautiful. love your hair! x hivenn
Ampak res, čopek ti zelozelo paše. Ti naredi bolj srečen obrazek 🙂
Jazzy E: Thanks!
Bralka: Hvala! A drugač moj obrazek ne zgleda kaj preveč srečen? 😀 😉
Seveda izgleda srečen.
Ko imaš pa čopek pa izgleda srečno srečen in izžareva še otroškost:)
Hehe, kak lušno, hvala! (: