Curls on my head, outfit and organized supplies

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V petek ob kakšnih pol dveh ponoči sem se spravila h kodranju las. In šla potem spat z lasnicami na glavi. Vidite lahko, kako sem izgledala zjutraj. Morala sem se fotografirat, ko sem bila še v pižami, saj sem bila preveč navdušena nad vsemi temi kodri. Razmišljam, da bi se spravila k frizerju in si dala naredit trajno… Bomo videli. I’ve curled my hair at Friday at 1:30 AM. And went to bed with pins in my hair. That’s how I looked like in the morning. I had to take pictures while I was still in my pajamas, because I really loved all those curls. I’m thinking about going to hairdresser and get permanent curls… Will see. dsc0558525255b125255d_thumb-9339783  dsc0559125255b125255d_thumb-5512366dsc0559225255b125255d_thumb-3029025  dsc0559525255b125255d_thumb-8836303 Spodaj je outfit, ki sem ga imela oblečenega v petek zjutraj, ko sva z mamo šli v mesto. Pripravljena sem bila na njene negativne komentarje glede moje oprave, ampak ni rekla niti besede. Da sem bila skoraj razočarana… Hecam se. Ampak sem bila res presenečena. (Fotke so narejene s samosprožilcem.) Here is the outfit I wore at Friday morning, when I went into the city with mom. I was ready to handle her negative comments about how am I dressed up, but she didn’t say a word about it. I was almost dissapointed… Kidding. But I was really surprised. (Pictures are taken with a self-timer.) dsc05599-_thumb25255b125255d-7047249dsc05602_thumb-4281639 Uredila sem si potrebščine za šivanje in barve za tekstil, zaradi česar sem zelo ponosna na sebe! V steno sem zabila dva cveka, da sem gor obesila ravnila in krivuljnike. Uporabila sem celo pormašino (hvala Juretu, da mi je pred nekaj časa pokazal, kako se uporablja), da sem naredila luknje v geotrikotnike! Also, I have edited my sewing materials and colours for textile in a nice order and that makes me proud of myself! And I hammered iron nails into my wall and hanged my rulers on. I even used hand drillin machine (tnx to Jure who showed me how to use it.) to make wholes into geo triangles! dsc05612_thumb-9325340dsc05611_thumb25255b125255d-3426854 Res sem hvaležna za vse, ki ste že glasovali zame na BW! <3 Pošiljam vam ljubezen! Pravtako se veliko ljubezni širi od mene do prijateljice Lele, ki se trudi zame, da bi dobila čim več glasov. Draga moja, res sem blagoslovljena, da si del mojega življenja!   Lep preostanek nedelje vam želim! I am also very thankful to all of you who has already voted for me on BW! <3 I send you my love! And lots of love goes out to my friend Lela, who tries her best to get me more votes! Girl, I’m really blessed that I have you in my life! Have a nice Sunday!

With Love,

By Anita Pukšič Koren

Full time human being. With whole heart and brain devoted life coach for artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries, that are ready to release their heavy baggage and start living as they always believed deep inside IT IS POSSIBLE, especially for them. As a life & business coach, I help you bring your ducks in a row 🦆🦆🦆 so that you can: bring your best work to the world & get paid for it, have amazing loving & supportive relationships 💖 have more than enough time for yourself and fun things in life. We work on your healthy sense of SELFishness, which allows you to prioritize what matters to you the most and live the life the way you want to live it. Then you can actually bring your individual contribution to the collective, as a healthy cell in the planetary body. Without self-sacrifice and burn-out.


  1. Ahahaha, a veš da glasujem za, če se odločiš za trajno! 😀 Se mi zdi, da je prav ena vrsta žensk, ki zgledajo enkratno dobro s takimi srednje dolgimi rdečimi skodranimi lasmi. 😀 Zakon!

    Pa zelo všeč so mi pomešani vzorci v outfitu. B)

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